Battleheart Legacy Build

Skills are the key to success in Battleheart Legacy. Mixing and matching these special abilities and passive buffs to create a personalised character sheet will determine your success in this ruthless RPG. But because the game doesn't tell you what skills are. Feb 17, 2018  BattleHeart Legacy.

I’m still tweaking my build, but I’m currently using a Necro/Witch with a little bit of Wizard (Teleport) thrown in. I focus mainly on distracting the mobs with Mass Hysteria and Horror. Then I have my mummy and skeleton army keep the attention off of me. I also use Tornado and Soul Mass as attacks. I also have a Life Leech item (such as Vampire Tooth Pendant or Blazesong Amulet) and Instant Cooldown items (such as Azamoth’s Cursed Eyeball) This means all damage I cause replenishes my health and the 25% Instant Cooldown means I have a high chance of my skills being ready to use again right away, without any cool downs.

Impending Doom is also a great way to reduce your cooldowns if you have the stat points for it.I got over 240 kills with this build, and I only stopped because I didn’t have time to continue. I’m still tweaking it, but Impending Doom makes a huge difference:Active:TeleportTornadoSummon Pet (or Mummy)Mass HysteriaSoul MassHorrorRaise SkeletonVictory Banner.

New super mario bros wii u cemu crash fix. Hello whats up and welcome to the channel in today's video i gonna show you how to run super Mario U with out to crash wen you at the start screen and gonna start to play Like the video if you. New Super Luigi U Crashing on Title Screen Have the content files downloaded from dropbox, cemuhook installed, latest graphics packs. Game still crashing almost immediately. New Super Mario Bros U + New Super Luigi Crash (self.cemu) submitted 2 years ago by Krutonium. According to this compat page, Super Luigi Wii U/New Super Mario Bros U are Perfect/Playable, however, if I press A to load the main menu, the emulator will crash. The Title Screen, and Crash.

Passive:Staff MasterArcane PotencyArmy of DoomLasting AfflictionWitheringImpending DoomMy accessories are a Blazesong Amulet (10% life drain) and Azamoth’s Cursed Eyeball (+15% Instant Cooldown)I basically use Horror first to send all the enemies into a frenzy, so I can start picking them off. Since it scatters them, I use Tornado to pull some of them together. Then when Horror’s effect wears off, I hit them with Charm or Mass Hysteria, since they have similar effects. Keep an eye out and don’t spam Horror/Mass Hysteria. You want to make sure you have at least one available at all times, in case the Instant Cooldown doesn’t work. If you get stuck without those three skills, it will be hard to keep them off your back. I also swapped out my mummy for a wolf pet because they seem better in every wayand I somehow managed to summon more than one at a time.

П™‚Whatever class(es) you’re using, you want to try and minimize your cool downs so you’re able to spam skills. You also want to make sure you have AoE skills to take care of large mobs.I’ll continue to post tips and hints here, as well as info about Legendary items you can loot. Feel free to share your own builds in the comments section if you have any that work well. For late game, I think the warrior is crazy. I can easily achieve 100+ kills in arena with skills like: knight’s skill-Revenge,cleave + paladin’s skill-aura of light + barbarian’s skill-frenzy,whirlwind,savage pounce(leap) + any other two skills (I use support skills like knight’s shield war/intimidate/victory banner or paladin’s power infusion). For passive, I use knight and barbarian’s passive.

With life drain items (which I have is 15% life drain in total), you are almost unstoppable. Any AOE/revenge + paladin’s aura of light could immediately get you into full health.

And frenzy applies crazy cool-down speed. My character’s data is ATK143 DFF55 Read more ». Sorry for all the comments, but an interesting build I like to use is critical chance paladin The items I use are Two Bael’s Bloodreaper Aegis of the Pride (will use legendary if I could ever find it) Black Candle (+50% crit Effect) Howling Sickle (+10% Crit, +30% Crit Effect) The skills are Radiance (AoE) Frenzy (Attack speed buff to deal more damage) Karma Kick (Mobility and tons of damage if really low) Victory Banner (Massive Crit chance increase, and damage buff) Wrath (AoE damage) Aura of light (to heal) Power Infusion (more damage) Flame Weapon(crit chance and a Read more ». 20min match 200+ load outI use a fast critical life steal technique with a twist. I use smoke bomb to lure enemy rangers, and frenzy so that I can have it continuously. Also heighten dodge to ridicules extent with this loadout.

Battleheart Legacy Build

Also wrath is key to damage output. (Ones with asterisks are optional)Passive:Dual wieldImpending DoomEavasionLeathality.Life Leach.Counter Strike.Active:Time Stop.FrenzyHorror.WrathAura of lightSmoke bombFlame sword.Victory bannerEquipment:Best swords you can find recommend mercuial blade or one of the lengendariesMordoth plate.Ashes of graz badTime-lost urn. I have a screenshot with 325 kills in the arena. This is the best combination I ever created: Passive: Dual wield Impending Doom Favoured Soul Lethality Grit Lethal Edge, Armsman or Life Leech (all 3 work with the others) Active: Smoke Bomb (I call it the cloud of death, always stay in it) Frenzy (awesome and necessary to get into 300+ kills) Wrath (riduculously awesome with frenzy and dual wield, let the carnage begin) Victory banner (plant the banner to obliviate) Power Infusion (who doesn’t like another 50% damage?) Ghost Hand (Bring the stragglers into your cloud of death) Flame Read more ». I have a screenshot with 325 kills in the arena. This is the best combination I ever created: Passive: Dual wield Impending Doom Favoured Soul Lethality Grit Lethal Edge, Armsman or Life Leech (all 3 work with the others) Active: Smoke Bomb (I call it the cloud of death, always stay in it) Frenzy (awesome and necessary to get into 300+ kills) Wrath (riduculously awesome with frenzy and dual wield, let the carnage begin) Victory banner (plant the banner to obliviate) Power Infusion (who doesn’t like another 50% damage?) Ghost Hand (Bring the stragglers into your cloud of death) Flame Read more ».

I’m only a level 33 and managed 165 kills on Normal mode with a Knight/Paladin/Battlemage class. Here’s everything about my character: Stats: STR: 34 DEX: 5 INT: 28 SKL: 6 END: 40 CHA: 13 Equipment: SWORD: Obsidian Soulcrusher SHIELD: Draconic Bulwark BODY: Aegis of Pride (Got a Marath Doomplate, lost it because game crash:c) CHARM 1: Crown of Sundering CHARM 2: Choker of the Red Feast Skills: Divine Hammer Mana Strike Cleave Shield Rush Aura of Light Backlash Revenge Flame Weapon Passives: Shield Training Armsman Grit Time Warp Spell Eater Chivalry Additional Notes: I commonly use Revenge and Aura Read more ». I manage to kill up to 360. Due to hvy dmg enemy they kill me in just 4-5 hits nd didnt mange to click revenge or use potion. And im in panic mode also.

Dont know what to click coz everytym my smoke bomb is gone all there attck kip on coming. Hehe Lvl 42 Stat: Str: 60 Dex: 11 Int: 5 Skl: 40 End: 30 Chrm: 7 Equipmnt: Witherstrike(sord) Obsidian soulcrusher(sord) Mordoth doomplate Choker of the red feast (10% life drain) Blazesong amulet (10% crit chnce, 16% attck speed) Or phoenix quill ( +8 weapon pwr, 10% crit chnce) Read more ». This build focuses more.

On auto melee attacks so that you may concentrate more on managing your HP. I play the barb/rouge/pala style, with a mix of ninja passives. By getting dual wield to equip 2 maces, coupled with Flurry(Ninja passive) greatly increases the DPS (damage per second). Impending doom (ninja passive) complements well with flurry and dual wielding to increase chances of crit. Strikes which insanely reduces the c.d. Of all skills.


The following active skills are used to greatly enhance melee strikes Frenzy(barb) + Wrath (pala) + Power Infusion(pala) + Victory banner (pala) For healing, you may use Read more ». I use a build very similar to civruler Mor’doth doomplate Divinity x2 (because I don’t have 2 of any other legendary weapon yet) Ashes of Graz’bad Ninja Glove Flame Weapon Victory Banner Wrath Frenzy Mass Hysteria Blade Rush Smoke Bomb Mana Strike Flurry Lethality Impending Doom Dual Wield Punishment (because of equipped weapons) Thundering Blows (again, because of equipped weapons) I’ve gotten into the high 200’s without even using mass hysteria or potions simply because my auto attacks with wrath, blade rush, and mana strike are constantly giving me health back. When I get low on health, one blade rush Read more ». To get all classes maxed out the quickest, get the generalist passive skill from the bard (30% less points needed to be able to learn skills) asap. This is my set-up for the colosseum, i think i can get to 500+ kills with this set-up, yet to try. STR: 30 DEX: 22 INT: 42 SKL: 24 END:23 CHA: 33 Equipment: The scourging inferno (legendary staff) Robes of the shadowmancer (Legendary armour) Time-lost urn (+10% dodge/crit) azamoths’s cursed eyeball (+15% instant cooldown, can be another time lost urn too for impending doom purposes and who doesn’t love dodge?:)) SKILLS: Active: Smoke Read more ».

With this build I manage to get beyond 100 kills easily. I’m at level 53 now and maxed barbarian, knight and paladin for the necessary skills. They’re based on buffing your character and doing “normal” auto damage.

As long as you keep striking your foes, you’ll be fine. Active: Wrath (paladin).for some splash damage Aura of light (paladin).the life recovery is extremely necessary as the numbers of waves increases Power infusion (paladin) Frenzy (barbarian) Blade rush (ninja).I use this skill to reach range enemies such as annoying teleporters Song of war (bard) Flame weapon (battlemage) Radiance (paladin) Read more ». After playing with this game for a bit, thought I would contribute to this site a bit, since it has helped in a tad with the game. I am currently running a version of the Necro/witch/wizard variant, though it focuses more on crowd control, damage over time and Minions: Level 25 Stats: Str: 5 Dex: 5 Int: 37 Skl: 13 End: 23 Cha: 19 Gear: Staff: Abyss Robes: Battlemage Raiment (6% attack / Cooldown speed) Trinket: Almanac of Annihilation (20% cooldown speed) Trinket: Choker of the Red Feat (10% life Drain) Skills: Drain Life: On Demand Burst & Heal (15 Read more ». Dont know if anyone else has tried this. But playing as bard generalist and working on getting all the skills. I could breeze through colosseum at low lvl 30s dying only when i get bored with the following: Vardus,the reaper dagger Battlemage raiment armor (for better elemental sword damage) Mystery egg for farming xp Rune of the serpent (for better crit chance/attack speed (wiuld change to 2 almanacs of the annihilation if i wanted to over 1000 kills or go for high score Skill set is based around 2 main skills: Rangers premeditate and barb’s Last stand.

If you can Read more ». Hey guys this is mah build, easily gets 200+ kills but can go up to 600. I managed to get 684 kills with 0 potions left. There was literally nothing I could do, there were like enemies that could 1 hit K.O me( which they did). Active -SLAY LIVING, gets rid of green ogre before he summons goblins -AURA OF LIGHT, heals you, can have always on with 50% c.d(which I have) -FRENZY, faster attack, faster cool down -THUNDERBOLT, I hate mobs around me -CHAIN LIGHTNING, great with aura of light -TIME STOP, why teleport when you can walk -RAISE Read more ».