Doom And Destiny Wiki

Crazy penguin catapult 2 game free download for pc. Doom and Destiny Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

Contents WalkthroughMap of E1M1 - HangarAt the start, there is a Health Bonus to the left and right of you. Go straight and enter the room to the left, and beware the 4 on skill levels 4 and 5.

Take their Shotguns, including the Security Armor, health and armour potions too. When you are done, leave the room, and head left into the opening, and go through the door.Kill the 3 Zombiemen in this room, and watch out for the 4 on skill levels 4 and 5(a 5th one might even come from the next room so be aware).

Doom and destiny wikia

When this room is empty, collect all the items and ammo here,and go through the opening at the east part of the room.Kill the at the stairs, and collect the 2 Health Bonuses, and go down the stairs. Kill the 3 Shotgun Guys and 2 Zombiemen here, including the 2 Imps on the platform. Get past the zigzag floor to the other side of the room. Before you open the door, check the walls to the right until you find a secret area. In here, go down the stairs and kill the 2 Shotgun Guys on skill levels 4 and 5, and collect the ammo and health here.

Go outside and collect the Mega Armor, and go back to the zig zag room, and now go through the door.Kill the Shotgun Guy, the Imp, and 4 Zombiemen here, and get the health, and go to the exit door. But before you go into the exit room, go back to the zig zag room (again). Remember that platform that had the Imp(s) on it?


It's now been lowered. Go into the new room that was behind the platform, and get yourself a Shotgun on skill levels 3 and below, with a box of shells and health, and a Shotgun Guy on skill levels 4 and 5. Now go back to the exit door, open it, Kill the Imp, grab the items, and hit the exit switch.Secrets.

In the corridor at the end of the zig-zag room, a portion of the west wall is colored differently and has a corpse lying next to it (G). Activate the wall to gain access to the courtyard with the blue armor ( sector 68). After having entered the dark room with the exit door, return to the zig-zag room.

The platform with the Imp(s) has now been lowered, yielding access to a secret room (H) containing a shotgun ( sector 69). Added in version 1.2 After opening secret #2, walk toward the north end of the zig-zag room.

As you cross the shadow line (I), a lift will lower in the shotgun alcove (J), visible from where you are standing. Run and you can catch it before it goes up.

At the end of the hallway is a, the first such wall in the game ( sector 70). Secret exit only: In secret #1, head to the very east of the courtyard, and then follow the northern wall until it begins to bend northwest. Press on this section of the wall to be taken to the Xbox-exclusive secret level,.Bugsmay be visible in the following locations (see screen shots below):. Viewing the zig-zag room from the north entrance.

Looking toward the Imp platform from the south end of the zig-zag walkway. Entering the hidden area behind the Imp platform, then immediately turning to face the right-hand wall.

Standing slightly northwest of the exit door, looking east.There are 7 known in this level's.Demo files. Video. Slime trail created by the exit signSpeedrunning Routes and tricksFor a straight speedrun, the simplest path through the map is also the fastest one, and there are no tricks.

However, the route through the outdoor area is often used in runs since this gives a (which helps surviving ) and an easy (needed for ). This takes 3 extra seconds, and is typically avoided in episode runs, wherein a shotgun is instead obtained by taking down a in the zig-zag room on the fly.Whereas uses the route through the courtyard, uses the TAS route, which managed to play in 0:09. According to the text file, it 'is an incredibly hard run due to the timeloss inevitable in getting a shotgun and the fact that 0:09 is a borderline time here in any case'.Although 0:09 is human-optimal for, a in 0:08 has been created. The same time has been reached by in. In both cases, is essential.Because E1M1 is small and sparsely populated, speed records can often be set in style.

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(This is more difficult with, of course.)When recording in a style which requires, some players use the route through the courtyard because it arouses many of the surrounding sooner, encouraging.When recording in a style which requires 100%, it is useful to leave one or two enemies alive in the computer room.