Duty Driver 100

The FMCSA has established rules, known as the hours-of-service (HOS) regulations, regarding how many hours on duty and behind the wheel that interstate commercial drivers can spend each day and 7 or 8 consecutive day period.Most commercial truck drivers will only be able to be on-duty for 14 hours, with a limit of 11 hours driving time within that 14.The hours-of-service also require the remaining 10 hours to be 'off-duty time', in which drivers are not doing any work-related activities.Driving time limits are 60 hours in any 7 consecutive day period, or 70 hours in 8 days. It is a 'rolling' total, so each day at midnight, a new day begins, potentially giving drivers hours back to drive for that day. The consecutive days clock is reset with 34 hours in a row as off-duty.Theses rules have been put in place mainly to keep fatigued drivers from staying on the road and creating a safety hazard.Any time spent working a second job, even a non-driving job, or carrier job in a non-driving capacity, will count as 'on-duty time', per Sec. 395.2 of the CSA. In general, all drivers must follow the hours-of-service regulations if they drive a commercial motor vehicle, or CMV, in interstate commerce.Again: You. The truck driver.Drivers who only drive in interstate commerce part of the time will have to follow Federal HOS rules only while they are operating interstate. Otherwise, each state will have their own individual rules, most of which will be very similar to the Federal rules.Likewise, drivers operating only in intrastate commerce will not be required to adhere to Federal hours-of-service rules, but must conform to the rules in their particular state.


A driver is exempt from the logbook or record of duty status requirements if he/she operates within a 100 air-mile radius of the normal work reporting location and is released from duty within 12 consecutive hours or less. Sleeper Berth – § 395.1(g)(3).

11-Hour Driving LimitMay drive a maximum of 11 hours out of 14 total on-duty hours, after 10 consecutive hours off duty. If more than 8 hours have passed since the end of the driver’s last off-duty or sleeper-berth period of at least 30 minutes, driving is not allowed until off-duty time is taken. Of the 14 hours per day that you are allowed to be on-duty, only 11 can be spent driving.

14-Hour LimitMay not drive beyond the 14th consecutive hour after coming on duty, following 10 consecutive hours off duty. Off-duty time does not extend the 14-hour period.If you start your clock at 6am you need to be done by 8pm, and can only drive for 11 of those 14 hours. Rest BreaksMay drive only if 8 hours or less have passed since end of driver's last off-duty or sleeper berth period of at least 30 minutes. Meaning, drivers are required to take at least a 30-minute break within the first 8 hours of driving. Meal breaks or any other off-duty breaks count, and the 30-minute break also counts against the 14 on-duty hours.Drivers who operate within 100 air-miles of their normal work location normally will not be subject to the 30-minute break rule if they:.Drive within a 100 air-mile radius of their normal work reporting location;.Return to their work reporting location and are released within 12 consecutive hours; and.Follow the 10-hour off-duty and 11-hour driving requirements for property-carrying CMV's.

60/70-Hour LimitMay not drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days. A driver may restart a 7/8 consecutive day period after taking 34 or more consecutive hours off duty.

This is not a 'per week' limit, rather it is based on a 'rolling' 7 or 8-day period, regardless of which days it encompassess. 60 Hours/7 Days:Once you reach 60 on-duty (not just driving) hours in a period of 7 consecutive days, you will not be allowed to operate until you have accumulated more available hours on the rolling 7-day schedule. Meaning, at midnight of the 7th day, the 1st day drops off and the new day becomes the 7th day, and then math. Planetoid 3d cheats game. Spending 34 consecutive hours off-duty will reset your clock to zero. 70 Hours/8 Days:Once you reach 70 on-duty (not just driving) hours in a period of 8 consecutive days, you will not be allowed to operate until you have accumulated more available hours on the rolling 8-day schedule. Meaning, at midnight of the 8th day, the 1st day drops off and the new day becomes the 8th day, and then more math. Spending 34 consecutive hours off-duty will reset your clock to zero.

Sleeper Berth ProvisionGenerally, you may use the sleeper-berth provision in three ways, to get your required off-duty time:. Get 10 Consecutive Hours Off-Duty TIme:To get your 10 consecutive hours off-duty, what is most important is that you not do any work at all, or go on-duty, driving or otherwise. 10-Hour Driving LimitMay drive a maximum of 10 hours after 8 consecutive hours off duty. 15-Hour LimitMay not drive after having been on duty for 15 hours, following 8 consecutive hours.

Off-duty time is not included in the 15-hour period. 60/70-Hour LimitMay not drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days. Sleeper Berth ProvisionDrivers using a sleeper berth must take at least 8 hours in the sleeper berth and may split the sleeper berth time into two periods provided neither is less than 2 hours. There are certain, very specific situations in which an interstate commercial driver may be exempt from the FMCSA hours-of-service limits:. Adverse Driving Conditions:The Adverse Conditions exceptions gives you an additional 2 hours driving time, but does not extend the 14-hour limit.

It requires that conditions that neither you nor your dispatcher could have known about, such as sudden snow, ice, fog, or traffic accident that shuts down the road.It does not apply if you drive into known impassable or dangerous weather conditions, or heavy and congested 'rush hour' traffic, or other things that you should have known about. Non-CDL Short-Haul Exception:If you drive short distances in a commercial vehicle that does not require a CDL, this exceotion allows you to extend the 14-hour limit to 16 hours on 2 days in a consecutive 7 day period, or after a 34-hour reset. To qualify, you must:.Drive a truck that is a “commercial motor vehicle” but does not require a CDL, and.Work within a 150 air-mile radius of your normal work reporting location and return there each day.An air mile is longer than a statute mile.

There are 6,076 feet in an air mile and 5,280 feet in a statute mile. One-hundred air miles is equal to 115.08 statute miles.Therefore, a 100 air-mile radius from your work reporting location can be figured as 115.08 statute, or “roadmap,” miles (185.2 km) from your work reporting location.