Epicmafia Tree

EpicMafia Roles, Village. EpicMafia Roles, Village. Flashcard maker: Sarah Adrian. Wins if all Mafia are dead. Sided with the village. Can choose to become a tree at night. Once a tree, cannot be killed or converted. Once a tree, cannot vote. Sided with the village. Welcome to Mafia Universe - a site offering completely automated Forum Mafia Games! The game goes by many names: Mafia, Werewolf, Killer, Assassin, Detective, Witch Hunt, Lupus in Tabula, Slasher, and others. Whichever variant you are used to, your thirst for lynching bad guys or manipulating good guys can be quenched here. Playing Mafia online has never been easier.

Oi, so I’ve got what’s essentially the same fucking question three times so I thought I might as well make an article out of it, because this is actually important. Provided the village are smart enough to add two and two together, there is no fucking way you’re going to win as mafia unless you put up a half decent counterclaim.
Firstly, to the moron who said “how do I make the town not massclaim” here’s a fucking answer for you - YOU DON’T. The village is playing to win just as much as you are and if you try and get in the way of them doing something that’ll essentially lead to their victory, you’re only making yourself more suspicious than Komaeda with the knife in the fucking lodge. What a true mafioso does isn’t that horseshit - it’s counterclaiming. In case the meaning of that isn’t fucking obvious, it means claiming a town role.

Now here’s the fucking trick to counterclaiming: decide what role you’re going to counterclaim early. And by early I mean night fucking one or two. No later than that. And then also decide on a back up role in case the role you’ve originally chosen dies. Oh, so now you’re asking what roles to counterclaim!? Well listen good - you can counterclaim any role that doesn’t have the capability of proving itself DURING THE DAY. What do I mean by that?! Ugh, you know what - maybe this will be easier if I just make a list of common town roles are pants on fucking stupid to counterclaim:

  • Crier/Tree: Obviously a stupid role to counterclaim, the real crier/tree can just prove themselves easily.
  • Virgin: YEAH I fucking know you’re a virgin in real life, but this is a bad role to counterclaim unless you’re on a day where mafia will win if you get one more person lynched or your cc was already hooked (you need to claim hooked too), otherwise town are just going to be willing to lynch you, and if they lynch your cc you won’t be able to kill that night.
  • Chef: Bad role to counterclaim unless you know who’s been in dinner for previous nights, because they can prove you wrong.
  • Gunsmith/Santa: Bad roles to counterclaim unless you know who has received the gifts, cause they can prove you wrong and fucking shoot you while they’re at it. (If you do know however - because you’re a scout/lookout or some shit, then go ahead)
  • Celebrity: lol
  • Penguin: Same as above, don’t do this unless you know who got messages last night, because they can prove you wrong.
  • Lover: SHIT role to counterclaim unless you can get someone to vouch as your lover, and I highly recommend you don’t get your mafia partner to do this - because if you do get lynched, you’re both fucked.
  • Governor: Dumb, because if you counterclaim them they can easily flip the lynch onto you.
  • Loudmouth: Can be proven through whispers + you always need to know who’s visiting you. Don’t claim loudmouth.
  • Jailer: Unless you’re interro* don’t fucking claim jailer, or the real one will jail and kill you.
  • Deputy: Unless they’ve already shot, don’t claim deputy or the real one is obviously going to shoot you, aren’t they!?
  • Nurse: If you want to claim Nurse, you’ll need to know who was roleblocked on past nights which makes it difficult, unless you’re the hooker. The hooker can do this PERFECTLY - just say you nursed your hook target and they can’t argue.
  • Gallis: Town can test this by lynching you, and if they do do that, you’ll die.



That’s a list of every single fucking system message in the game (ie: report formats). Ctrl+F the role of your choice, open notepad, copypaste the report format into notepad, throw in some names, copy it and ctrl+v paste it into epicmafia and would you look at that! Instant fake report.
And as if that wasn’t simple enough for you morons, some roles have it even easier than that. Scout/lookout reports are IDENTICAL to tracker/watcher reports respectively, so you can just claim that role and paste your own fucking reports and nobody can prove you wrong. Stalker functions exactly like detective, so just change “Through stalking” to “Through your detective work” and you have a completely legitimate report. It’s not fucking rocket science. And to boot, it’s actually important that you counterclaim some of the reporting power roles because that way, TOWN WON’T KNOW WHO TO TRUST AND THEREFORE CAN’T TRUST/FOLLOW THE REPORTS OF THE REAL ONE. It throws them into chaos, and that helps a lot when you’re out to fucking kill them. MAKE SURE AT LEAST ONE OF YOUR MAFIA MEMBERS ARE COUNTERCLAIMING A REPORTING ROLE.

All combos in little inferno. Liquid DietFuture Fizz (3) + Coffee (3) + Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3)26. Iced CoffeeCoffee (3) + Dry Ice Cubes (3)24. Easter BunnyEgg Pack (3) + Eager Bunny Plushie (2)25.

As for the rest of you morons, other good roles to counterclaim if they’re in are lightkeeper and miller. Town will be reluctant to lynch anybody who claims lightkeeper for obvious fucking reasons, and miller is good because you can still claim it if a cop gets a guilty on you. Alright!? Got that!?! EDIT: There’s now an even better role to counterclaim, civilian. Go here for my elaboration on that.

Okay, so back to what I was saying at the start of this fucking tangent: pick which role you’re going to claim early, and pick a back up role in case that role dies. Also tell your partners what you’re planning to claim so that you don’t double up and get both of you killed. Now, from the very start, start dropping hints about you being that role. For example, if I decided I was going to counterclaim the fucking doctor, I’ll make ambiguous fucking remarks about how town doesn’t need to worry since there’s a doctor blah blah blah, whisper power roles about how I’ll protect them, the works. Then, when the time for a massclaim comes, I have a lot of convincing shit to back me up. Make sense? It better, I’m not explaining this shit again.

But on that point, when asked to massclaim to a power role, CLAIM IMMEDIATELY. Don’t stall or try and convince the town out of massclaiming, just fucking do it. The faster you’re in, the more likely you are to be believed.

Now, if the role you’re planning to counterclaim claims BEFORE anybody gets around to massclaiming, CC them THEN AND FUCKING THERE. For example, if I’m planning to claim cop and the real cop comes out with a report, don’t just stand there, FUCKING COUNTERCLAIM. Don’t freeze up. CLAIM. I wouldn’t let any of you shits into my mafia if you can’t at least do that. BECAUSE IN DOING THAT, TOWN DOESN’T KNOW IF THEY CAN TRUST THE OTHER GUY AND HIS REPORT OR NOT. The ONLY case in which you shouldn’t counterclaim is when your cc has a guilty report on ONE OF YOUR PARTNERS. Because then if you counterclaim, both of you are boned up the backside, got it!? Otherwise, just fucking do it.

Additionally, if you find out who your CC is BEFORE they claim, and you’re either a lookout, a stalker, or a scout counterclaiming watcher, detective or tracker respectively, CLAIM OUT LOUD FIRST WITH A GUILTY REPORT ON /THEM/! This is actually fucking brilliant because they can’t counterclaim you back without looking like mafia making a pathetic attempt to get out of a situation where they’re proven guilty. Yeah, yeah, you’ll get lynched the next day but NOT BEFORE TOWN LYNCHES ITS OWN IMPORTANT POWER ROLE. HA. NO NEED TO FUCKING THANK ME. By the way, stalkers who find out who the cop is can also claim cop with a guilty report on the real cop.
Okay, but none of that works unless you plan in advance. SO FUCKING DO THAT, OKAY!? Trust me, it’s how you fucking get anywhere in the mafia world.

…tch, but keep in mind all of that only applies to open role setups with no role obscuring. If there’s a janitor in play, the janitor should always janitor ON THE FIRST NIGHT YOU’RE ABLE TO KILL (before the target manages to say jackshit about their role) and then claim the janitored the role (unless the bastard was smart enough to put that role in their will). If there’s a tailor in play and you know the true dead role, that’s also a good thing to claim (again, unless a will proves that role is dead). Same goes with no reveal. Closed roles are easier because you can just claim some role that isn’t in the actual game and nobody can counterclaim that (if you have a tailor or a spy, they can tell you what roles are in the game).

Epicmafia Tree

Lastly, if at any point you’re found guilty or being inevitably lynched, don’t just fucking give up (unless you’re the last mafia). CLAIM A ROLE THAT YOUR MAFIA WANTS TO KILL. For example, the nurse. Why!? Because the real nurse might be stupid enough to counterclaim you out loud, tipping your side off as to their identity, and at the very least, your maf can get their kill. It’s called “rolefishing”. Make sense!?

S menu consists mostly of dishes and other, as well as. Bubba gump Bubba Gump Restaurant in Hong KongLike the name suggests, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.' The restaurant offers dishes named after characters in the movie, like Jenny's Catch and the restaurant's bestseller Forrest's Seafood Feast. Purchase also included a lone Rusty Pelican in. The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

…Feh, so that’s that. All I’ve got to say on the matter. Just remember, plan early, claim early and claim FUCKING CONFIDENTLY. And trust me, you can’t go wrong.

6 years ago (☆ 47)
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