Mario Kart 7 Glitches

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A mandatory update will from Mario Kart 7 online matches, Nintendo said Tuesday.A glitch in the popular Nintendo 3DS racing game that allowed players to leap from the track and respawn in advantageous positions in the, and racetracks will no longer work once the patch is applied.All players who connect their 3DS to play Mario Kart 7 online will be prompted to quit and download the 'Ver 1.1' patch from the eShop. However, even with the patch in place, the glitches will remain in all offline modes, so players who view these as just the latest in a long line of unintended Mario Kart shortcuts can continue to exploit them.The notion of downloading a patch is run-of-the-mill for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 owners, so much so that the process is practically automatic. But this is a first for Nintendo, having only last month added the ability to patch 3DS games with a system software update as part of its growing digital games initiative.

A major glitch in one of Mario Kart 7's tracks will remain unfixed, Nintendo has said.

Mario Kart 7 players discovered an exploit that enables racers to skip almost half of the Wuhu Mountain Loop course (named Maka Wuhu in North American versions).

By deliberately driving off of the track at a specific point near the course's start, gamers are sneakily returned to the track much farther on - near its final section.

But fixing the bug would give an 'unfair advantage' to those with unpatched copies of the game, Nintendo decided.

Day of defeat source sequel. 'We are aware that it is possible to navigate a certain part of the track in Wuhu Island in a way that allows a large part of the course to be bypassed,' said Nintendo spokesman Buddy Roemer in a statement to fans, posted by Sticktwiddlers.

Mario Kart 7 Glitches

'There are no plans to update the game to remove this shortcut as doing so would create an unfair advantage for the users of the original release of the game. Rest assured your comments have been added to our records for Mario Kart 7.' Assassins vs pirates full version.

The track has become a favourite for online players who know the exploit, as it allows for an easy win against players unaware of the shortcut. A video of the illicit manoeuvre lies below.