Zombie Gunship Survival Heavy Titan

Zombie Gunship Survival is a somewhat bleak shooter/base building game from flaregames. It has you establishing a base of survivors in a post apocalyptic world, while also controlling a gunship. 9/10 - Download Zombie Gunship Survival Android Free. In Zombie Gunship Survival for Android, your mission is to support your ground troops from the skies on board an AC-130 equipped with heavy artillery. Are they zombies? Are they infected by a virus? The fact is that the Earth is.

As you progress through the levels in Zombie Gunship Survival, you may start to notice a decline in how much loot your soldiers are able to pull out of a building. Sometimes, they might even leave a building mid-loot, forcing you to miss out on valuable items you need back at base. In this article we’ll talk about loot speeds, how you can loot faster in Zombie Gunship Survival, and how you can loot buildings faster overall.

How to Loot Buildings Faster

Keep in mind that each mission that you partake in is timed, which means you’ll have to not only watch out for zombies, but you’ll also have to try to loot all of the buildings in each level before the timer runs out and your squad is forced to evacuate on the chopper. The best way to ensure that you aren’t having to leave buildings un-looted is to make sure your squad is set up to be both versatile, but also excellent at looting.

The best way to increase loot timing is to acquire loot that increase the loot bonus stat. The most likely weapons that this is found on are the Shotguns, which are used by Scouts. Now, while it is absolutely possible to have a party made up entirely of Scouts, you shouldn’t do this, as Assaults and Snipers are actually much better at engaging hostiles, as they have a much larger range of fire.

Of course, you can set your squad up how you like, but we would definitely suggest keeping it as versatile as possible.

Aside from equipping weapons with loot bonus stats, players should also make sure that they are paying attention to their squad, and the various threats that are in play within the missions that you take on. Players should always try to avoid forcing their squad members to fight zombies, or even destroy buildings that are in their way. This will ensure that your members can spend more time looting than they have to defending their current location.

You should also look out for any ground defenses, like towers, that you need to deal with as your soldiers will ignore looting to take down the towers.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much else you can do to ensure that your squad is looting buildings fast enough. Just pay attention, keep enemies off them, keep their path clear, and set up your squad to take advantage of some nice loot bonus stats and you should be good to go. You should also check out our guide on how to upgrade weapons, where we show you how to upgrade your weapons and make them stronger in Zombie Gunship Survival.

As i have alot of experience with this game series, i will be writing a guide for ya'll so you can enjoy it as much as me. I am going to be covering a few points with you, which of a few are headset position, monitor position, and supplies needed. Sakura spirit walkthrough. Sakura Spirit. This walkthrough is based on info attained on this Steam guide and my playthrough of the game. Edited February 16, 2018 by SeniorBlitz. Share this post. Link to post Share on other sites. This topic is now closed to further replies. Sign in to follow this.

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About the author

Josh has been exploring fantastic worlds and getting lost in video games for as long as he can remember. Starting out on the Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, and ending up in the world of next-generation gaming. He enjoys digging into the story and lore of massive RPGs, as well as getting lost just trying to make that last jump in any platformers he gets pulled into, as well as everything in between. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment.


Table of Contents.Know the Buildings. Look in the Hangar to equip new weapons.

Your gunship can carry two weapons very early on, with that number increasing to three once you reach HQ level 5. New troops can also be assigned in the hangar, providing your hangar is at a decent level. Don’t expect to have many at your disposal early on. Weapon upgrades are conducted via the Hangar’s Workshop. Pick out your favorite weapon and hit the boost button.

You can assign red metal to the weapon to boost its level. Ideally, you want to keep your weapons reasonably balanced, but you also want to pick out some favorites. It’s down to you which weapons you prefer but I’d suggest investing into the machine gun fairly early on.

It’ll soon pack a punch. Be prepared to rearrange your defenses accordingly. Zombie Gunship Survival teaches you the basics but you want to constantly reassess how you’re laying things out. A good base needs good defenses.Get Your Hands Dirty. There’s a choice of battle types. You can opt to defend your base or work on scavenging.

Base defense is a matter of fending off zombies for a few minutes. It’s only available to you every few hours but the rewards are not to be overlooked. Do so whenever possible, but bear in mind it’s going to be a few minutes of non-stop shooting. Scavenging is a little more story based.

You’re told to loot a certain number of buildings for maximum benefit, along with a difficulty level. Gain the resources, and work towards a brighter and better future for your base. You’re able to place your survivor somewhere near the base. Look for an easy path and stick with it. Once your survivor is down on the ground, they’re independent of your control. Be prepared to withdraw if things get too tough. It’s easy to be swamped by zombies, especially if your weapons are weak.

At times, you’re going to need to destroy towers and barriers. Try to keep an eye on everything going around you. This isn’t always easy, but you need to make sure your guy can actually get through the defenses, as well as keep away from the zombies. Remember to have some varied weapons on hand. The sniper rifle is great for taking out zombies, but it’s useless against stationery towers.Objectives are Everything. Check out the objectives.

There are two types – daily and regular. Daily objectives are simple things like getting involved in a battle or boosting a weapon.

Always get these done each day. You’ll gain resources very easily for doing something you were probably going to do anyhow. Regular objectives are a little trickier but still worth pursuing. These tend to look at the long game – the idea of building up your base sufficiently, for instance.

The rewards are better too though, so try to keep them in mind. Also, don’t forget to check in on your objectives to pick up your rewards. They’re not given to you automatically!Earning Your Keep. Crates are earned through many different ways. Sometimes, just finishing a battle gets you one. Other times, you can watch a video for a bonus. You can buy them too, but I wouldn’t recommend it when they’re so easily acquired.

You only have so much room for crates and each crate takes time to unlock. Make sure you’re always working on unlocking one at all times.