Centipede Grass

Centipede grass is a slow-growing turfgrass that is known for being a low maintenance grass requiring little care. As with all yards, however, it does require some fertilization. But, it is important to know how much and when to use the fertilizer to prevent damaging the grass. Centipede Grass is a warm-season perennial grass that grows well in the southern US. This is a low maintenance, slow-growing grass that is best used for lawn.


CentipedegrassCentipedegrassRichard L. Duble, Turfgrass SpecialistTexas Cooperative ExtensionText and images copyright © Richard Duble.Centipedegrass is native to China and southeast Asia. It was first introducedinto the United States in 1916 from seed collected by Frank N. Meyer inSouth China. Centipedegrass has since become widely grown in the southeasternUnited States from S. Carolina to Florida and westward along the Gulf Coaststates to Texas.Its popularity as a lawn grass stems from its adaptation to low fertilityconditions and its low maintenance requirements.

Where centipedegrass isadapted and properly managed, it has few serious pest problems. It is particularlywell adapted to the sandy, acid soils of the southeastern United States.Its westward movement is somewhat limited by severe iron deficiencies thatdevelop in the alkaline soils of the arid regions. And, its northward movementis restricted by low temperatures. Centipedegrass is slightly more coldtolerant than St. Augustine grass, but extended periods of 5°F or lesscan kill centipedegrass.Centipedegrass can be found throughout the West Indies, South America andalong some areas of the west coast of Africa. It can be successfully grownin any of the areas where St. Augustine grass is adapted.Description.

Centipedegrass, Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro)Hack, is a coarse-textured perennial grass that spreads by stolons. Thestolons have a creeping growth habit with rather short upright stems thatresemble a centipede - thus, the name centipedegrass. Centipedegrass producesseed and is readily propagated by seed. It has a yellow green color andis particularly sensitive to iron deficiency.Centipedegrass forms a dense turf and has a relatively slow rate of growth.It requires less mowing than bermuda or St.

Augustine grasses and is oftencalled lazy man's grass. Centipedegrass remains green throughout the yearin mild climates, but leaves and young stolons are killed during hard freezes.It does not have a true dormant state and resumes growth whenever temperaturesare favorable.The stolons of centipedegrass are slender, branching, rooting at the nodesand terminating in a slender flowering stem. Leaf blades are commonly 15-30mm long, 2-4 mm wide, flat, lanceolate, rounded at the base, petioled, sparselyciliate (more numerous along the margins and at the base of the floweringstem); sheaths are overlapping, pubescent at the throat, compressed; ligulea ciliate membrane and collar is pubescent. The inflorescence is a spikelikeraceme, 3 to 5 inches long, purplish in color, somewhat flattened, spikeletsin two rows, alternate, one sessile and perfect, the other pedicled witha very small rudimentary spikelet. Sessile spikelets are 3-3.5 mm long.Oblong glumes about equal. Caryopsis about 2.0 mm long, narrowly elliptic.Adaptation and Use.

Centipedegrass is best adapted to sandy, acidsoils where annual rainfall is in excess of 40 inches. Cave story 3d walkthrough 3. It tolerates verylow soil fertility levels and thrives on moderately fertile soils.

Fertilizationrates should not exceed 2 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. Per yearon heavy soils or 3 pounds of nitrogen on sandy soils.Centipedegrass is moderately shade tolerant, but grows best in full sunlight.It is not as salt tolerant as St. Augustine or bermudagrass.

Centipedegrassthrives on moderately acid soils, pH 5 to 6. Above pH 7.0 iron becomes alimiting factor and supplemental applications of iron may be required.Centipedegrass does not enter a true dormant state during winter monthsand is severely injured by intermittent cold and warm periods during spring.Hard freezes kill the leaves and young stolons of centipedegrasses and thegrass recovers as soon as temperatures are favorable.

When this cycle occursseveral times during the winter months the grass is depleted of energy reservesand is susceptible to extreme winterkill. Thus, its adaptation is limitedto areas with mild winter temperatures.Centipedegrass is used primarily for lawns, parks, golf course roughs andutility turf. Augustine grass, centipedegrass does not tolerateheavy traffic and is not suited for athletic fields. Centipedegrass is ideallysuited for roadside rights-of-way and other low maintenance turf areas,but it can become a nuisance in adjoining pasture and crop land.Varieties. A number of centipedegrass selections have been made,but none have found prominent use in turf. Common centipedegrass producedfrom seed of early introductions has been about the only available source.In 1965 Oklahoma State University released Oklawn centipedegrass as an improvedvariety with superior drought and cold tolerance.

Likewise, the Universityof Tennessee developed Tennessee Hardy as a variety with superior cold tolerance.Neither of these have been extensively used since they must be propagatedvegetatively. In 1983, Auburn University released AU Centennial centipedegrassas a semidwarf variety. AU Centennial has shorter internodes than othervarieties and makes a denser, lower growing sod. Shorter seedheads alsoimprove the appearance of AU Centennial centipedegrass.Propagation. Centipedegrass can be established from sod, sprigsor seed. Success with seeded plantings is highly dependent on good seedbedpreparation.

The soil should be disked or rototilled, pulverized with arotovator or rake, leveled and firmed with a roller. Seed should be broadcastwith a seeder or by hand. To aid uniform distributions of seed, 1/3 poundof seed should be uniformly mixed with about a gallon of fine sand and evenlydistributed over 1,000 sq. Of lawn area. For large plantings with agrass drill the sand is not necessary.After planting, the site should be firmed with a roller and watered slightly.The seedbed should be kept moist, but not wet, for 14 to 21 days after planting.If the area is too large to keep watered, the site should not be planteduntil soil moisture is adequate. A complete fertilizer should be appliedat the time of planting at a rate of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 sq.

Ft.Seeded plantings properly managed will provide a complete cover in aboutthree months.Centipedegrass sprigs or sod plugs can be planted in rows about 1 foot apartor on 1-foot spacings. Sprigs require almost the same amount of care asseeds for the first two weeks after planting.

Sod plugs require much lessattention after planting, but must be watered regularly for the first severalweeks. Sod plugs and sprigs require much more labor to plant than seed.Again, with proper care a complete cover can be obtained in about threemonths.Management. Centipedegrass has been described as a 'lazy man'sgrass' because of its low maintenance requirements. In general, annualfertilization, regular mowing and irrigation as needed to prevent severewilting will meet with the requirements for a satisfactory centipedegrasslawn. Too often homeowners try to push centipedegrass with nitrogen to enhancecolor and growth. Excessive nitrogen fertilization may enhance color andstimulate growth, but it also leads to problems with centipedegrass lawns.Annual applications of nitrogen in the spring and fall at a rate of 1 poundper 1,000 sq. Are recommended.

A summer application of nitrogen at °to 1 pound per 1,000 sq. Is optional.Centipedegrass is naturally shallow rooted and water management is criticalon heavy textured soils during summer months. Centipedegrass is not as droughttolerant as some people have been led to believe, and improper wateringduring drought stress can cause problems. Water should be applied when centipedegrassshows signs of water stress - wilted and discolored turf. Light, frequentapplications of water should be avoided since it promotes shallow rooting.Thoroughly wetting the soil 4 to 6 inches deep only when the grass showssigns of moisture stress is the proper procedure for watering centipedegrasslawns. Sandy soils require more frequent applications of water, but thesoil should be wet 6 to 8 inches deep after each irrigation.

Centipedegrassshould also be watered during dry winter months to avoid desiccation. Excessivenitrogen fertilization and improper watering account for many of the problemshomeowners have with centipedegrass lawns.On sandy soils and on soils low in potassium, spring and fall applicationsof potassium help to promote root development and to reduce winterkill incentipedegrass. Potassium can be applied with nitrogen in a complete fertilizersuch as 3-1-2 or 2-1-2 ratio. Avoid continuous use of a high phosphorousfertilizer since it contributes to iron deficiencies in centipedegrass.Where centipedegrass develops chlorotic conditions, applications of ironsulfate or iron chelate may correct the condition temporarily. Monthly applicationsof iron may be required to maintain a green color. If nitrogen is appliedwith iron, only pound of N per 1,000 sq.

Should be used. If soil pHis above 6.5 on a sandy soil or 7.2 on a heavy soil, elemental sulfur mayhelpto lower pH and increase iron availability. Soil test information shouldbe considered to determine the amount of sulfur to apply. Sulfur applicationsshould be made in the spring and fall on heavy soils. Annual or less frequentapplications may be adequate on sandy soils.Weed Control. Weed control improves the appearance and reduces themowing needs of centipedegrass lawns.

Winter weeds are particularly unsightlysince they contrast so sharply with the dormant grass. Atrazine and hormone-typeherbicides such as 2,4-D and MCPP can be used to control most broadleavedweeds including clover, chickweed, henbit and thistle.

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Herbicides shouldbe applied in the fall or winter before these weeds mature.Crabgrass and other summer annuals are most effectively controlled withpreemerge herbicides applied in early spring before the weeds emerge. Productscontaining benefin, DCPA, bensulide or simazine can be effectively usedfor crabgrass control when applied according to label instructions.