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Advertising DisclosureArticles, reviews and investigations are our own opinion, and written based on the information publicly available or simply contacting the companies. We try our best to stay up to date with constantly changing information. If you find any information inaccurate, please email us, we’ll verify for accuracy and update it.Advertising Disclosure: some of the links on this website are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase an item following one of the links, we will receive a commission. Regardless of that, we only recommend the products or services, that we strongly believe will benefit our readers.Contrave markets itself as the #1 branded weight loss pill on the market, so it caught my attention right away. How does a diet pill market itself as the number one weight loss pill anyway? To be clear, it is a prescription weight loss pill.

To access the full range of services on this CONTRAVE site you will need to log in. If you are not already registered, become a member today! May 05, 2016  Contrave is actually two older drugs, combined: the antidepressant bupropion (Wellbutrin and generic), and the addiction-treatment drug, naltrexone (ReVia and generic).

It is only meant for adults with a BMI of 30 or higher. On their main website they market free online delivery with a doctors prescription is available. As with any prescription pill, it is going to come with side effects. There are also going to be studies done on the effectiveness of the pill. Take a look below at the findings, to see if this pill is worth it for you. How Does Contrave Work?It is rather simple to take once you are prescribed it, as it is a simple diet pill.

This simple diet pill comes with side effects (see below). It is an extended release tablet that contains the antidepressant bupropion, and the drug that it meant to treat addictions naltrexone. When taking the pill, dieters are encouraged to reduce their daily calories and exercise.There was a study done on a large group of people over 56 weeks, and the total weight loss from Contrave was a measly 12 pounds. They calculated only 9 of those pounds really came from the drug itself and the other three were from diet and exercise. This easy to take extended release pill is loaded with strong drugs that will not only give you side effects but the results were less than impressive.

Is Contrave Safe?Right on the website it states,One of the ingredients in CONTRAVE, bupropion, may increase the risk of suicidal thinking in children, adolescents, and young adults. CONTRAVE patients should be monitored for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. In patients taking bupropion for smoking cessation, serious neuropsychiatric adverse events have been reported. CONTRAVE is not approved for use in children under the age of 18.As you can tell, this weight loss pill comes with major side effects and needs to be safely prescribed by a doctor before you can even take it. Other side effects noted were seizures, opioid withdrawal, liver damage, hepatitis, visual problems, low blood sugar, increased blood pressure and heart rate. Nausea and headaches are almost an 100% guarantee. It is not safe to take without medical supervision. The ingredients of Contrave are: naltrexone hydrochloride and bupropion hydrochloride.

No, this pill is not safe. There are side effects that you are guaranteed to experience, none of which are pleasant. Pros and Cons of ContraveLooking at this diet pill from a 10,000 foot view it is supposed to help work the area in your brain that controls hunger.

It is also the part of your brain that is the reward system. Risky to mess with the chemicals in the brain, which is why you will experience a plethora of side effects while taking Contrave.

This is a con. A pro is that some insurances will cover the cost for you to take Contrave, so for those who are eligible it will be free of cost almost.

Another pro is the fact that it has to be doctor prescribed. This keeps it out of the hands of those people not really qualified to take it. You must have a BMI of 30 or greater, so this eliminates some of the population. Aside from the major side effects there are less than impressive results while taking Contrave, which in my opinion is the largest con of them all. Why put yourself through all of the uncomfortable side effects for less than impressive results?

When looking into the pros and cons there are far more cons than pros. The results are less than impressive, there are major side effects, and it is not available for everyone to take which can be seen as both a pro and a con. ConclusionContrave is supposed to be the #1 weight loss pill on the market. If so how is it not even available to the masses. It comes with bad side effects that can alter your quality of life indefinitely, as well as some minor side effects that will most certainly effect your day to day like nausea and headaches. Weight loss was actually minor, and it was hardly better than the placebo pill half of the people in the study were taking. Why put your health at risk with very minimal results?

Not worth the look at all when it is all said and done.Please keep in mind that with any diet or weight loss program, individual results will vary.This content is strictly the opinion of and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.Read full. I WAS LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO HELP CONTROL MY CRAVINGS AND GIVE ME MORE FOCUS AND ENERGY.


I WILL GO BACK AND SEE MY DOCTOR AND GET BACK ON HIS WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM BECAUSE WITH IT I HAD GREAT SUCCESS LOSING WEIGHT. IF IT SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT IS. I can only speak for my experience. For those of us who have food issues that appear to be emotion driven like myself, Contrave works great. I have no negative side effects. I do have a very positive side effect as the low dosage Naltrexone reduces my inflammation considerably- to the point that my ortho and myself have cancelled a knee replacement.

I had thought this was coincidental until I talked with my MD.Contrave has given me the edge to pay attention to and change my stress related eating patterns. I have lost 28 pounds in 11 months and feel great. Between the weight lose and reduced pain from osteoarthritis and degenerate spine disease, I am able to be active and enjoy activities such as bike riding, walking, gardening and I am even back to playing tennis after being away from it for 20 years.

My only down side is that Medicare does not pay for it, but buying directly from the company helps. I do use my own Doc for the script and monitoring.

× Advertising DisclosureWe aim to provide consumers with helpful, in-depth information about nutrition and weight-loss products. All product names, logos and brands are property of their respective owners.We support the operation of our site through a partnership with Noom, among the most-effective, comprehensive programs we've seen for helping people lead healthier lives.Whether we make money or not on a given page does not influence the core mission of our writers and medical reviewers, which is to publish content that is accurate and informative.For more information, see our full. Overview What is Contrave?To start, Contrave is a prescription weight-loss medicine for individuals who have a BMI of 30 or greater or a BMI of 27 or greater with a medical condition related to their weight. This prescription drug (it must be doctor recommended) is designed to fight your appetite and to ultimately help you lose weight.The ingredients are:.

Bupropion HCI. Naltrexone HCIContrave claims to be weight-loss medicine designed to help dieters with both weight loss and weight management. Contrave was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) in September 2014.If you have a tendency to rapidly gain weight, Contrave may help you keep it off. Or, if you’ve been trying to lose weight the old-fashioned way or with another weight-loss pill, but to no avail, then Contrave may be the next step to try for results.

Quick Facts Contrave Quick Facts OwnersTakeda Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc, which is an offshoot of the biggest pharmaceutical company in Asia, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, and among the top 15 pharmaceutical companies globally. Takeda Pharmaceuticals joined a partnership with Orexigon to commercialize Contrave in 2010. However, in 2016, Orexigon obtained full rights of Contrave.In 2018, Orexigon sold Contrave to Nalpropiom Pharmaceuticals, a new company, according to. LawsuitsIn 2015, a lawsuit was filed against Orexigen, “a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of pharmaceutical product candidates for the treatment of obesity, including Contrave, which it claims ‘regulates appetite and energy expenditure through central nervous system activity.' ”“On March 3, 2015, Orexigen disclosed detailed interim results of its study.”In June 2015, Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. And Takeda Pharmaceuticals filed a lawsuit against several companies collectively known as Actavis for infringement of the Contrave patent. Worth/revenue.

Revenue: ¥1,557,267 million (FY 2012). Total assets ¥3,955,599 million (FY 2012)Money back?You can’t return Contrave.for one of the best products we’ve seen over the last year. Contrave ClaimsThe Contrave website provides a lot of information about what this drug is said to do. This gives people a glimpse into how it may be able to help them on their weight loss journey. Does it Work? Does Contrave Work?According to research published in the, Contrave caused significant weight reduction in study participants. On average, those who took Contrave for 6 months and combined it with a weight-management program lost 25 pounds, the company says in a statement. Professional Testimonials About ContraveDr.

Pieter Cohen, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, researching the effects of dietary supplements, noted that Contrave would require a long-term commitment for very little weight-loss and studies are scarce on Contrave’s long-term effects:. “Even before thinking about the safety of the drug, it’s interesting to take a look at whether or not it’s going to be beneficial. “The problem with Contrave is that we’re, first off, just talking about a very small amount of weight loss — just over 4 percent in clinical trials. So if you’re 225 pounds, we’re talking about losing less than 10 pounds if you took this for an entire year. If you stopped after a year of taking Contrave, you would very likely gain the weight right back.

“So if you wanted to keep that 10 pounds off for a long period of time, you have to take the medicine for presumably the rest of your life. And we don’t have any safety data regarding its long-term health effects.”In addition, the findings of Lisa M.

Schwartz, M.D., of Dartmouth College’s Geisel School of Medicine and the Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, said, “The studies show that Contrave caused many people to feel sick”. Nearly 1 in 4 people in clinical trials stopped taking the medication. Contrave side effects included nausea, vomiting, and headaches, according to Pharmacy and Therapeutics.


Ingredients Contrave IngredientsTo better understand Contrave, our research team took a closer look at the two main ingredients. Bupropion HydrochlorideThis ingredient is an appetite reducing drug that is meant to restore brain chemical imbalances and to keep users from overeating. The published an up-to-date meta-analysis showing that over a period of 6-12 weeks, patients may experience weight loss of 2.7 kg over placebo.While this may seem like good news, it’s worth mentioning that the effects of this drug on weight loss were similar to that of other drugs, like Orlistat and sibutramine.

Naltrexone HydrochlorideIt’s marketed under trade names Revia and Vivitrol.Naltrexone works together with bupropion on different parts of the user’s brain to decrease their desire for food, much like some other appetite suppressants.The journal concluded, “Contrave may serve as a valuable treatment adjunct to lifestyle modifications by promoting satiety, reducing feeding, enhancing energy expenditure, and ultimately helping patients achieve.” In trials, nearly 50% of patients following the Contrave diet lost at least 5% of their body weight. So, if a patient weighs 300 lbs. (136 kg), 5% of that weight is 15 lbs. (6.8 kg).On its own, that doesn’t sound like a lot, but compared to the placebo group, only about 20% of participants lost that amount of weight.It’s stressed that if you have any pre-existing health conditions or take over-the-counter or prescription medication to talk with your doctor before taking Contrave. The company also states that you should not take Contrave while pregnant or breastfeeding.There have not been any reports of Contrave being addictive, but the issue that it would probably have to be a long-term drug to maintain the weight-loss makes this a moot point anyway. Dosage Contrave DosageContrave states that dosing usually starts small and increases over time at your doctor’s discretion. This is to lower the risk of seizures and other medical complications and side effects.

Your dosage depends on several factors, including:. Medical conditions at the start of the treatment.

The user’s response to the treatment. Other medications you may be takingWhen you first start out taking Contrave, the doctor might prescribe just one pill to be taken in the morning, in order to acclimate your body to the new drug.

Usually, around the second or third week you can start taking two pills: one in the morning and one in the evening – until you can handle taking four pills a day.According to, Contrave was approved for use and has been shown to be effective in weight loss.Most Contrave users seem to agree that the weight loss pill is best taken during a meal. You should never change your Contrave dosing on your own. Do not stop, start, increase, or decrease the amount of Contrave you are taking without first consulting your doctor. Interactions Contrave Drug InteractionsAlright, now is a good time to talk a bit about drug interactions.A medication like Contrave comes with warnings and potential interactions.

When following the Contrave diet, you should watch out for medications that may react negatively to the drug. Your doctor should be able to fill you in on what you can and cannot take with Contrave.

There are several prescription and over-the-counter drugs that may affect or interfere with Contrave in the body, as well as change how effective Contrave and the other drug(s) are in the long run.The same is true if you drink alcohol regularly and suddenly stop in order to take Contrave. You should talk with your doctor about changing the amount you drink before starting a Contrave or other weight loss pill regimen. Side Effects Contrave Side EffectsAs if the incredible list of interactions and warning weren’t enough – let’s talk about the known side effects of Contrave. Contrave’s insert warns of potential side effects like manic episodes, visual problems and seizures.Contrave side effects aren’t certain, but still worth considering. They include:. Dry mouth. Headache. Dizziness.

Constipation. Diarrhea. Nausea. Vomiting. Gas.

Nightmares. Itching. Sleeping issues. Mood issuesIf you experience an allergic reaction to Contrave, stop taking it immediately and contact your doctor. You may be allergic to either bupropion, naltrexone or both.Contrave Warnings and Precautions:Contrave states that it should not be taken by pediatric patients.

Also, patients of all ages may experience increased:. Aggression. Irritability, and more.There are specific reasons why taking Contrave might not be ideal for certain people, so we recommend to always consult with your physician.In 2015, issued a recall due to the quality of some Contrave products. More than 3,000 products were recalled.In 2018, of Contrave 8mg/90mg bottles due to puncture issues. Why is Contrave Not Working?Like other prescription weight loss pills, Contrave for weight loss should be combined with exercise and calorie reduction for the best results. Some patients might ask, “why is Contrave not working?” If this happens, it is essential that they not only ensure they are taking these RX diet pills exactly as prescribed but that they are also adhering to all exercise and calorie reduction guidelines.Before patients start taking the combination of naltrexone and bupropion weight loss drugs, their doctor will discuss the needed exercise requirements and calorie reduction.

This will differ among patients. How much of a calorie reduction is required depends on several factors, such as the patient’s starting weight, their individual nutrition needs, and their. As for exercise, the patient’s personal health and weight loss goals is generally considered. So, patients should consider this information before asking, “why is Contrave not working?” Who Can NOT Use ContraveThe company states that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid this product. The FDA categorizes this product as a Pregnancy Category X. Those taking and wishing to become pregnant should talk to their doctor before attempting to. Issues With Contrave Reported to the FDAWhen using the Contrave diet pill, it has not been established if it is safe to use an additional weight loss drug or supplement.

The FDA also discussed potential problems associated with the television advertisements for this drug. It states that the ad failed to disclose information about other reactions, drug interactions and specific other risks that the FDA deems to be dangerous.On May 18, 2017, the sent a warning letter concerning one of their television ads. Apparently, the ad did not clearly showcase the risks associated with Contrave. Cost Contrave CostFor many people looking into life-improving products, the cost is an important factor in determining which supplement to go with. The Contrave price depends on the number of pills you are taking. As time goes on, your doctor should slowly increase the amount of Contrave, so you’ll have to pay more.The overall Contrave cost ranges from $55 per month to $200 per month. It all depends on the amount, location (due to shipping costs), and insurance coverage you have.However, Contrave gives the opportunity to sign up for a discount coupon plan for people whose health insurance does not cover the drug and those without insurance. You could pay no more than $3 daily for a monthly prescription with this savings card.

Saving Money on ContraveThere are options to save money when using the Contrave diet pill, such as a Contrave discount card or a Contrave coupon. A Contrave coupon card or Contrave discount card is only available when someone is getting their prescription filled at a pharmacy. This option is not available for home delivery. So, how much does Contrave cost? Using a Contrave savings card in a pharmacy brings the cost of this drug to $114.99.

While patients cannot use a Contrave savings card with home delivery, the price is $99.Many also ask, is Contrave covered by insurance? This is often asked when someone is getting the Contrave medication at a pharmacy or when they are looking to buy Contrave online.

There is no Contrave generic or other drugs that combine naltrexone and bupropion weight loss. Some insurance plans may cover this drug. Patients seeking this information before getting this FDA approved weight loss medication should ask their doctor, “is Contrave covered by insurance?” Patients might also consult their pharmacist about insurance coverage for this prescribed weight loss medication. Remember there is no Contrave generic version, so no savings concerning this. Contrave Savings ProgramHow much does Contrave cost? After checking with the patient’s insurance and exploring their options, they will get an idea about the cost of the Contrave medication for weight loss.

From here, they can explore the Contrave savings plan to see how much more money they can save. On the Contrave website, people can either activate a savings card they have or register for one.

To register for the savings card for this weight loss RX, patients will be asked about information concerning the following:. Prescription information. Information about the patient’s insurance. Enrollment informationContact Information for Contrave:The Contrave pill is a trademark of Orexigen. The following is the contact information patients can use to get help or learn more about this weight loss RX:Patient program information is available 8AM to 8PM EST Monday through Friday at 1-800-905-5576Report complaints, report adverse side effects and to get medical information about naltrexone and bupropion and weight loss, contact 1-877-298-8340Healthcare providers looking for help with their EMR, patient education and other information can contact 1-844-551-2927Those wanting to learn more about this medication can also visit the Contrave website.

It offers information about the drug, knowledge about getting a prescription and paying for it and other things, such as Contrave success stories. Getting a Contrave Prescription OnlineSomeone can buy Contrave online with a prescription. To get the prescription, people can take advantage of telemedicine. This means having a doctor’s appointment online using technology such as a Skype or a telephone call. It is very much like an in-person visit regarding how the appointment is conducted. The patient and doctor will discuss the patient’s chief complaint and get information about their medical history. Since this is about weight loss, the doctor may inquire about the methods the patient has tried so far.On the Contrave website, patients can access telemedicine to get their prescription.

It is a relatively simple process that involves the following steps:. Patients will need to select the state they are living in. They will create an account and make sure to fill out all information accurately and thoroughly.

The next step is the phone or video consult with a doctor. Once the patient has the prescription, they can activate home delivery for free to receive their Contrave prescription in the mail.Contrave Home DeliveryCan someone buy Contrave online? This is among the most commonly asked question about this prescribed weight loss medication. Since most prescription weight loss pills do not have home delivery, most patients are unaware of this convenient option with the Contrave weight loss pill. The home delivery program requires that patients have a valid prescription for Contrave. Those already getting this medication from a pharmacy can opt to transfer their prescription to the home delivery service.

If the prescription is written, this service is able to fulfill it.The prescription is filled and sent by a mail order pharmacy. Patients can sign up for this service either online or by calling. Those who get other prescription drugs may also be able to transfer those, allowing them to get their other medications along with Contrave for added convenience.

Contrave and Jenny CraigJenny Craig is a that allows clients to develop a plan that is unique to their lifestyle and needs. Clients have a consultant that they have access to that will aid them in crafting their plan and executing it. At least once a week, clients and consultants connect to help ensure that everything is going according to plan.Those using this program get to eat five times a day and enjoy one snack. The menu includes more than 100 items that clients are able to choose from to personalize their. There are different Jenny Craig program options people can choose from.

These programs may serve to aid with the caloric restriction that is necessary to get the most results when using Contrave to help with weight loss.Those on the Jenny Craig program may be eligible for Contrave discounts. The discounts available may differ among the different plans that Jenny Craig offers. The discounts may also change with time. OTC Alternatives to ContraveThere are specific over-the-counter alternatives to the Contrave weight loss pill someone might want to explore. These are all available without a prescription.

There are various stores and online retailers that offer these options. The prices and ingredients vary greatly. Possible OTC alternatives to Contrave include: Garcinia Cambogia ExtractThis is a type of natural supplement that comes from a plant. Reliable studies on its effectiveness are not easy to find, especially recent ones. It is often touted as a remedy for weight loss.

However, the evidence to support these claims is lacking.One small study was done that lasted for 60 days. Participants were either given a placebo or during this time. In the group getting the actual supplement, those conducting the study state that triglycerides reduced by about one-third compared to the placebo group.An additional study looked at weight loss and involved a placebo group and a group that got the actual garcinia cambogia supplement, or soy leaf extract.

It lasted for 10 weeks. At the end of the study, the conclusion was that the supplements in this study did not promote weight loss.The supplement comes in various dosages with the recommendation ranging from 250 to 1,000 milligrams per day. Possible side effects may include:. Nausea.

A headache. Digestive tract discomfortHydroxycutis a type of weight loss supplement that contains natural ingredients. The brand offers an array of supplement options, including capsules and pills, gummies and shakes. The following are said to be the primary ingredients:. Caffeine. Wild olive extract.

Wild mint extract. Lady’s mantle extract. Komijn extractVarious studies conclude that this supplement is able to increase metabolism by three to 11 percent as a result of the caffeine content. The fat burning is said to be raised by 10 to 29 percent.


However, people tend to develop a tolerance to caffeine, so these results will most likely be short-term.The four herbs present in the formula were tested as part of another study. This study was done on rats and chickens and not humans, however. It showed a metabolic rate boost in the rates and the body weight gain in chickens was reduced by approximately 20 percent. This study also used doses that are much higher than what is seen in the supplement that is sold.Hydroxycut has not explicitly been studied in humans.The possible side effects may include sleeping issues, anxiety, diarrhea, jitteriness, and nausea. These are attributed mainly to the caffeine content of the supplement.

AlliAlli is a drug that is available over-the-counter, and it is a version of orlistat. It comes in 60-milligram pills. It is meant to be used with exercise and a reduced calorie diet to promote weight loss. The active ingredient is orlistat, and claims to work by helping to reduce how much dietary fat the body absorbs by inhibiting.Patients are considered to be successful with this drug when within one year they have lost at least five percent of their body weight. In most cases, it is within the first few months that patients lose weight. This is with exercise and diet in addition to the drug.The following are potential side effects of this drug:.

Stomach issues. Menstrual cycle changes. Frequent loose stools. More frequent passing of gas.

HeadachesMeratrimpromises to be an all-natural supplement to promote weight loss. It contains two plant extracts at a 3:1 ratio mix. These include garcinia mangostana and sphaeranthus indicus. Some research shows that sphaeranthus indicus may provide multiple antioxidants (rat study).Some research shows that garcinia mangostana may:.

Possess antibacterial properties. Act as an antioxidantThere was a study done on the actual supplement and not just its ingredients. It was done on humans and double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled. It included 77 women and 23 men, all of which were overweight. The placebo group took a dummy pill at the same times that the group received 400 milligrams of this supplement.

Once at dinner and once at breakfast 30 minutes before eating.All participants walked 30 minutes per day, and they consumed 2,000 calories daily. Compared to the placebo group, the Meratrim group lost more weight after the eight-week study. The placebo group lost approximately 3.3 pounds while the Meratrim group lost about 11 pounds. Additional improvements were observed in the Meratrim groups triglycerides, total cholesterol, and glucose.Now, it is important to note that the company that sells and produces Meratrim sponsored this study.Side effects might include nausea and headache.LipozeneLipozene promises to be a natural supplement that helps people to feel satiated. The website says that those using the supplement do not have to follow strict diets to get results.

It is taken up to three times daily, and those using it should take the doses 30 minutes before eating.The only active ingredient in this supplement is. It is found in konjac plant roots. It is a type of fiber that can absorb water very effectively. It is commonly used in specific food products as an emulsifying or thickening agent.From a purely observational standpoint, when people consume more fiber, they tend to weigh less.

Since glucomannan is a type of fiber, it is thought that it may help to promote weight loss in the following ways:Helping to keep someone full after it expands in the stomach after it absorbs water. This may result in satiation due to food leaving the stomach at a slower pace.People might absorb fewer calories due to it potentially reducing nutrient absorption.It may help to promote healthy levels of good. This may potentially reduce the risk of weight gain.A study was conducted that included 176 participants. In this study, the participants ate a 1,200-calorie diet per day and were either given a placebo or a supplement that contained glucomannan. Over five weeks, those who took the glucomannan lost an average of 3.7 pounds more weight compared to the placebo group.Taking this supplement may significantly increase how much fiber someone is getting in their diet. As a result, digestive issues is possible until the body adjusts.

Super HD Weight LossWeight Loss is a supplement that promises it:. Is a potent nootropic. Promotes fat loss. Enhances appetite control. Boosts energy significantly. Increases fat metabolismThere are no reputable studies that have been done on this supplement. Some of the individual ingredients, however, have been studies.

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For example, the caffeine and green tea leaf extracts may increase metabolism, allowing those using the supplement to burn more calories. Dandelion extract may improve gut health due to its prebiotic activity that may assist six different probiotics. It may also enhance fat loss and improve digestion.With rhodiola, it may help to promote energy and reduce fatigue.

One study looked at 161 cadets. The conclusion was that a single dose of this ingredient helped to alleviate their fatigue. It may also aid in suppressing the appetite.Yohimbe did a study on rodents that showed that it might provide three different mechanisms to aid the body in reducing body fat. Bottom Line The Bottom Line on ContraveSo here we are again. Staring into the face of a potential weight-loss solution and trying to figure out whether it’s even worth the money, time, or side effects. The ingredients are well-researched and shown to be effective – although not by much. A few issues we couldn’t escape include:. The list of warning and possible interactions are just frightening.

It can become very expensive. Possible side effects are a bit too much for meWhether you’re taking a prescription weight-loss pill or not, you still need a strong support system to help you along your weight-loss path.Among the best systems this year is. We thought it was just another app at first, but when we found human coaching, custom meal plans, food tracking, exercise tracking and more, we knew this one was different.And, for a limited time Dietspotlight readers can get a of Noom. Side effects vs my psychological stateBarbara (Verified Purchase)I began Contrave a week before I had a traumatic experience and suffered from severe depression and PTSD — so I’m not quit sure what to consider side effects vs my psychological state. I vomited once a day for the first 2 weeks (likely contrave). I was hungry, but just didn’t feel like eating (could be either – likely both). I had some irrational behavior that was very much out of character.

But now it’s been 10 months, my mood is better and stable, I still vomit once every few weeks. My appetite is back (more cravings than hunger), I lost 25 pounds and the first few months, and a total of 38 pounds over the 10 months (24% of my body weight). My weight has been stable for months +/- a pound. For me it was worth whatever side effects could be contributed to the med. My self-esteem is so much improved. Not only was I dieting and exercising before the med and not losing weight — I was continuing to gain.

This was my salvation.