Farm Manager 2018 Wiki

Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field of biology that encompasses the parts of exact, natural, economic and social sciences that are used in the practice and understanding of agriculture. Farm Manager 2018 Manage your own farm in the game Farm Manager 2018! To expand your farm business, produce cheap and sell your products in high prices. Control the process of land cultivation, employ the best staff, buy the most appropriate farm equipment, raise livestock.

Home Farm in 2007. Home Farm is the biggest property in Emmerdale Village. Whoever lives at Home Farm is the richest person or family in the village.

The current owner is. After 12 years, a Tate is back owning the farm, seems lightning does strike twice. The house's structure dates from the 1600s. It was first seen in the series in January 1973 as Miffield Hall and was owned by the then squire whose family had been the aristocrats in Beckindale since 1588. Upon his marriage break up George went to live in exile in Cannes and the property was used as a teacher training college. George Verney died in September 1978.His nephew inherited the place but he sold it to national landowning company and the building and its land was renamed Home Farm. And his wife moved into the property when he became estate manager.

In 1979 he was taken over. Maurice left in 1980 andHome Farm in 1979.

Again he was another short lived manager, having been sacked in 1981. In March 1982 a new manager was appointed -, who was from the South on England.

Since 1988 when NY Estates pulled out Home Farm has had many owners, often with dysfunctional lives such as,. Owned the estate until his 2018 death, and his family were as dysfunctional as the Tates, Wyldes, Maceys and Kings. Contents Biography BackstoryMiffield Hall was built in the mid 1600s when the Verney family were the lords of the manor. It was extensively rebuilt in the 1800s which makes up much of the present structure. Was born at the aristocratic home in 1910 and was the last paternalistic lord of the manor.

George's brother died in the war, when his son was a baby, and George's sister married and bore a son. In 1966 George wed much young woman and she moved into the home with him. They never had any children.For many years, worked on the estate as did.1972-1978George and Laura Verney in 1973 in the lounge.In 1973 George and Laura Verney were residing at Home Farm, then still known as Miffield Hall. Had an affair with Laura as she found her marriage to George boring. Jack also tried to blacken George's name in which he got a horsewhipping by Verney for his troubles. George and Laura's marriage dissolved and in 1975 George went to live in exile in. That year showed an interest in buying the Hall off of George Verney but pulled out.

A few years later in September 1978 George Verney died and Miffield Hall was passed down to his nephew Gerald Verney.1978-1981In 1978 Gerald Verney was out of pocket by crippling death duties inherited from his uncle George. He was forced to sell up. In October 1978 a conglomerate called (North Yorkshire Estates) bought Miffield Hall and renamed it Home Farm. This meant big changes for Beckindale. Ruthless boss waMaurice Westrop in 1980.

Photo courtesy of Beckindale Bugle. S appointed the manager of Home Farm and stayed with his wife in a caravan while the house was being renovated. One of his schemes was attempting to evict 70 year old from her home she had rented for the past 50 years. He was unsuccessful though. He was soon dismissed for causing the death of several fish in the on the estate.In January 1979 took over as the new Home Farm manager. He was replaced by in May 1980 after Westrop was posted to an NY Estates holding in Wales.

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Richard was a businessman by all means but was not a bad person however he did plan a tree felling scheme. Anstey then offered Joe Sugden the post of Farm Manager in October 1980. Richard created a new area of conifer tree forest on the Home Farm Estate. In 1981 the NY Estates boss got wind of Anstey's affair with the regional managers wife.

Richard was given his marching orders by Meadows. Joe Sugden took over as temporary manager of Home Farm.1982-1988Alan Turner took over as Home Farm manager in 1982.In March a new manager for Home Farm was appointed.

The then secretary introduced this new man to Joe Sugden. This man was, a man who had worked in the farm management business for some time. He and Joe Sugden got off to a good start and Turner seemed quite humble to begin with but in May 1982 he blamed Joe Sugden for an error over a crop spray on NY land which caused some cattle at Emmerdale Farm to stampede. Alan later sacked Jackie Merrick for setting fire to the Merrick's caravan. He started becoming very unpleasent by the end of 1982, treating the workers like dirt, and thinking he was the most powerful man in Beckindale.In 1983 he stooped lower by victimising his staff and giving cowman jobs doing heavy manual work, claiming Daniel was a General Labourer and that he was within his rights to ask anyone to do any job on Home Farm. Shop steward wanted to get the union involved.

At the same time Rev Hinton's daughter was employed as the secretary to Alan Turner, and he soon made her quite uncomfortable by standing over her as she worked, trying to win her over. Turner even blackmailed Tuplin to go along with redundances announced by head office.In January 1984, Turner's wings were clipped when he was given a severe warning by NY Estates director Christopher Meadows. He was soon appointed a secretary,. She bought out a softer side to Alan. In 1985, Alan's son came to stay at Home Farm.

Was one of the Home Farm 'workers' but as Turner was always in the office, bone idle Seth took advantage of this by skiving off a lot. Seth was so lazy that he made Stan Ogden of Coronation Street look like the hardest worker ever.In April 1986, Turner and Joe Sugden competed for the position of Regional Manager and Joe pipped Turner to the post, becoming Turner's boss. Superfighters 3 ultimate. This peeved Turner.

In 1986, NY Estates bought Hotten Cattle Market off. In 1987, there was threats of redundancies at Home Farm.

Christopher Meadows assured them there was not going to be any.1988-1989decided to pull out of Beckindale and Home Farm in January 1988. Home Farm went on the market. It was in March 1988 that NY Estates finally cut all ties with Home Farm. And went into partnership to buy the property. But they struggled to make ends meet. Turner was quite complacent at first. He lost a valuable client, due to being caught drink driving and speeding while driving him along to a dinner.

This put Sir Charles off and he returned to London the next day, cancelling his tour of the estate. Joe was livid at Turner. Due to marriage problems, Jock became a liability and crashed Turner's Land Rover and causes a fish farm crisis. But Turner was in no position to moralise as he lost a client when drink driving. Jock soon improved. Turner and Joe even had a woodland on the land felled to pay for the mortgage.

This angered Jack Sugden, but Joe and Turner said they were having trees chopped down that were ready to go. They wanted to keep Home Farm running.In August 1988 crooked businessman took an interest in the property. He found out about Joe and Turner selling trees. Denis conned Alan Turner and Joe into selling their shares at a low price. Denis planned to demolish half of the village to make way for a quarry. He made moves on. While arguing with Joe about an offer to sell Emmerdale Farm at a low price, Denis aggrivated a bull and was crushed to death by it, thus saving the village from the biggest battle since the proposed nuclear dump 2 years earlier.1989-2005 In November 1989, self made millionaire and haulage company owner and his younger wife and Frank's children and moved in after Frank bought the property for £1000'000.

Frank had big plans for the Home Farm estate and planned to modernise the estate and open up a holiday village to make Beckindale a tourist area.Long term worker Jock MacDonald stole from Home Farm and also recieved a horsewhipping from Zoe Tate after her was cruel to a horse. Frank sacked Jock MacDonald for blackmailing him after seeing him kissing another woman. Jock torched one of the stables and was arrested.Frank Tate opened up the holiday village in 1992 and planned to turn Beckindale into a tourist village. But he foundHome Farm holiday village in 1992.out that Kim Tate was having an affair with. He threw Kim out.

In December 1992, Frank seriously assaulted Kincaid at a hunting gala. He had to be restrained by Chris and several others. Frank sunk into deep depression and was drinking a lot. In December 1993, Frank wanted to reconcile with Kim. He drove up to and sat in his car, stewing over whether to give Kim her late Christmas present.

A plane crashed on the village, and a fireball hit Kim's stables. During the night, Frank helped villagers and the emergency services. But his son Chris Tate was left paralysed after a fireball hit the Woolpack wine bar. The crash reunited Frank and Kim. They remarried in December 1994 at Ripon Cathedral.In 1995, Frank went to war with the local Dingle family when he wanted them out.

That year, he had a heart attack and his health started to fail. He then found that Kim was cheating on him again, this time with. Kim and Frank warred, she even pretended she had died and had Frank arrested but she was revealed to be alive and in May 1997 she watched Frank die of another heart attack, not calling the ambulance.2005-2008Home Farm is blown up by Zoe Tate in 2005.In 2005 Tom King brought Home Farm, and was just about to move in before it was blown up by a departing Zoe, in revenge for him blackmailing her into selling it to him. The repair work was quicky done and the Kings moved in. They tended to do what the Tates had done, throw their weight around in the village.2010-In January 2010 shot dead her cheating husband Mark and buried him in the woods. In early 2010The Home Farm curse strikes again when a cash strapped Declan gets handy with the petrol.businessman arrived in Emmerdale and became a business associate of Natasha Wylde at Home Farm. He then bought a share in Home Farm and even asked Alan Turner for advice on how to run the place as Turner ran it years before.

Natasha Wylde and her son Nathan stitched up Mark's son by Faye, Ryan Lamb for the murder of Mark and Ryan was charged but eventually set free and Natasha was sent to prison. Declan knew Nathan also tried to frame Ryan so he blackmailed Nathan into giving him Home Farm and became the owner in November 2010. He told Nathan to give his share of the money to a trust fund for brother Will.In 2012 Declan Macey tied up some of his investments in a festival to be held there and it would net him £250'000.In 2013 Declan lost everything due to financial worries.

In December 2013 he torched the place, and in September 2014, Home Farm was reposessed. Declan killed his nephew and went on the run.2014-2017In October 2014, former village resident bought the property after it was reposessed from Declan Macey. Lawrence was a friend of Edna Birch, and had a gay affair with her husband back in 1963, in which he went to prison for, as homosexuality was illegal until 1967.

Farm manager 2018 wiki movie

Lawrence talked to his friends in the village of when the Verney family used to own the property when he was a young boy. Lawrence's daughter and grandson and Chrissie's fiance moved in with Lawrence. Robert being the nephew of former manager and short time owner.

Robert and Chrissie later split. Lawrence had a habit of paying off victims of the villainous ways of his grandson Lachlan. Was yet another male lover of Lawrence, and this confirmed that Lawrence was still interested in men even after Harold and later marrying a woman.2018-A Tate is back at Home Farm.Lawrence findally decided to sell up and move to Australia with the family. The new owner of Home Farm was none other than Joseph Mark Tate, the grandson of Frank, and the son of Chris Tate.

The Tate dynasty was back at the helm of Home Farm and Emmerdale Village. Joe proved he was another dysfunctional businessman and he had feuded with the Dingles and had wanted revenge on them for their part in his father's death in 2003.Joe had exercise machines installed. He also planned to use Jimmy King in his revenge plan against the Kings for their part in getting rid of the Tate's from Home Farm in 2005.Memorable info.

In December 1989, the phone number for Home Farm was 623099 (episode 1413). According to Marlon Dingle, Home Farm is located from Emmerdale village 'half a mile up Connelton Lane' (episode 4958). Described by Chrissie White as 'the big house on the hill' (episode 7007). In October 2016, the loction of Home Farm was 'Connelton Lane'.

Typical plan of a mediaeval English manor, showing the use of field stripsA farm is an area of land that is devoted primarily processes with the primary objective of producing and other; it is the basic facility in food production. The name is used for specialised units such as, vegetable farms, fruit farms, and, and land used for the production of, and other. It includes, plantations and estates, smallholdings and hobby farms, and includes the farmhouse and agricultural buildings as well as the land. In modern times the term has been extended so as to include such industrial operations as and, both of which can operate on land or sea.Farming originated independently in different parts of the world, as societies transitioned to food production rather than, food capture. It may have started about 12,000 years ago with the domestication of livestock in the in western Asia, soon to be followed by the cultivation of crops. Modern units tend to specialise in the crops or livestock best suited to the region, with their finished products being sold for the retail market or for further processing, with farm products being traded around the world.Modern farms in developed countries are highly.

In the, livestock may be raised on and finished in and the mechanization of crop production has brought about a great decrease in the number of agricultural workers needed. In, traditional family farms are giving way to larger production units. In, some farms are very large because the land is unable to support a high stocking density of livestock because of climatic conditions. In less developed countries, small farms are the norm, and the majority of residents are, feeding their families and selling any surplus products in the local market.

A harvesting crops with mule-drawn wagon, 1920s, USAThe word in the sense of an agricultural land-holding derives from the verb ' a revenue source, whether taxes, customs, rents of a group of manors or simply to hold an individual manor by the of 'fee farm'. The word is from the medieval Latin noun firma, also the source of the French word ferme, meaning a fixed agreement, contract, from the classical Latin adjective firmus meaning strong, stout, firm. As in the medieval age virtually all manors were engaged in the business of agriculture, which was their principal revenue source, so to hold a manor by the tenure of 'fee farm' became synonymous with the practice of agriculture itself.History. Map of the world showing approximate centers of origin of agriculture and its spread in prehistory: the Fertile Crescent (11,000 ), the Yangtze and Yellow River basins (9,000 BP), and the New Guinea Highlands (9,000–6,000 BP), Central Mexico (5,000–4,000 BP), Northern South America (5,000–4,000 BP), sub-Saharan Africa (5,000–4,000 BP, exact location unknown), eastern North America (4,000–3,000 BP).Farming has been innovated at multiple different points and places in human history.

The transition from to settled, societies is called the and first began around 12,000 years ago, near the beginning of the of the around 12,000 years ago. It was the world's first historically verifiable revolution in agriculture. Subsequent step-changes in human farming practices were provoked by the in the 18th century, and the of the second half of the 20th century. Farming spread from the Middle East to Europe and by 4,000 BC people that lived in the central part of Europe were using to pull plows and wagons. Types of farm A farm may be owned and operated by a single individual, family, community, corporation or a company, may produce one or many types of produce, and can be a holding of any size from a fraction of a to several thousand hectares.A farm may operate under a system or with a variety of or crops, which may be separate from or combined with raising. Specialist farms are often denoted as such, thus a, or.Some farms may not use the word at all, hence (grapes), (nuts and other fruit), or 'truck farm' (vegetables and flowers). Some farms may be denoted by their topographical location, such as a, while large estates growing cash crops such as cotton or coffee may be called.Many other terms are used to describe farms to denote their methods of production, as in, or.Other farms may primarily exist for research or education, such as an, and since farming is synonymous with mass production, the word 'farm' may be used to describe or.Specialized farms Dairy farm.

A in actionis a class of, where female, or other are raised for their, which may be either processed on-site or transported to a for processing and eventual retail sale There are many breeds of cattle that can be milked some of the best producing ones include, and more.In most countries, a centralized facility processes milk and dairy products, such as,. In the United States, these dairies are usually local companies, while in the facilities may be run by very large nationwide or trans-national corporations (such as ).Dairy farms generally sell male calves for, as dairy breeds are not normally satisfactory for commercial production. Many dairy farms also grow their own feed, typically including,. This is fed directly to the cows, or stored as for use during the winter season. Additional dietary supplements are added to the feed to improve milk production. Poultry farm. Main article:A pig farm is one that specializes in raising pigs or hogs for, ham and other pork products and may be, intensive, or both.Ownership Farm control and ownership has traditionally been a key indicator of status and power, especially in European.

The of farm ownership has historically been closely linked to. Medieval was essentially a system that centralized control of farmland, control of farm labor and political power, while the early American, in which land ownership was a prerequisite for voting rights, was built on relatively easy paths to individual farm ownership. However, the gradual and of farming, which greatly increases both the efficiency and capital requirements of farming, has led to increasingly large farms. This has usually been accompanied by the decoupling of political power from farm ownership. Forms of ownership In some societies (especially and ), is the norm, with either government ownership of the land or common ownership by a local group. Especially in societies without widespread industrialized farming, and are common; farmers either pay landowners for the right to use farmland or give up a portion of the crops.Farms around the world Americas. A typical North American farm with farmstead in, CanadaThe land and buildings of a farm are called the 'farmstead'.

Enterprises where livestock are raised on are called. Where livestock are raised in confinement on feed produced elsewhere, the term is usually used.In 1910 there were 6,406,000 farms and 10,174,000 family workers; In 2000 there were only 2,172,000 farms and 2,062,300 family workers. The share of U.S. Farms operated by women has risen steadily over recent decades, from 5 percent in 1978 to 14 percent by 2007.In the United States, there are over three million migrant and seasonal farmworkers; 72% are foreign-born, 78% are male, they have an average age of 36 and average education of 8 years.

Farmworkers make an average hourly rate of $9–10 per hour, compared to an average of over $18 per hour for nonfarm labor. Their average family income is under $20,000 and 23% live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level. One-half of all farmworker families earn less than $10,000 per year, which is significantly below the 2005 U.S. Poverty level of $19,874 for a family of four.In 2007, corn acres are expected to increase by 15% because of the high demand for ethanol, both in and outside of the U.S.

Producers are expecting to plant 90.5 million acres (366,000 km²) of corn, making it the largest corn crop since 1944. Main article:is a significant economic sector in.

A farm is an area of land used for primary production which will include buildings.According to the UN, 'green agriculture directs a greater share of total farming input expenditures towards the purchase of locally sourced input?(e.g. Labour and organic fertilisers) and a local multiplier effect is expected to kick in. Overall, green farming practices tend to require more labour inputs than conventional farming (e.g. From comparable levels to as much as 30 per cent more) (FAO 2007 and European Commission 2010), creating jobs in rural areas and a higher return on labour inputs.'

Where most of the income is from some other employment, and the farm is really an expanded residence, the term is common. This will allow sufficient size for recreational use but be very unlikely to produce sufficient income to be self-sustaining. Hobby farms are commonly around 2 hectares (4.9 acres) but may be much larger depending upon land prices (which vary regionally).Often very small farms used for intensive primary production are referred to by the specialization they are being used for, such as a dairy rather than a dairy farm, a piggery, a market garden, etc.

This also applies to feedlots, which are specifically developed to a single purpose and are often not able to be used for more general purpose (mixed) farming practices.In remote areas farms can become quite large. As with estates in England, there is no defined size or method of operation at which a large farm becomes a. Main article:Farm equipment has evolved over the centuries from simple hand tools such as the, through ox- or horse-drawn equipment such as the and, to the modern highly-technical machinery such as the, and replacing what was a highly labour-intensive occupation before the.

Today much of the farm equipment used on both small and large farms is automated (e.g. Using guided farming).As new types of high-tech farm equipment have become inaccessible to farmers that historically fixed their own equipment, reports there is a growing backlash, due mostly to companies using law to prevent farmers from having the legal right to fix their equipment (or gain access to the information to allow them to do it). This has encouraged groups such as and Farm Hack to begin to make for agricultural machinery. In addition on a smaller scale and the open source community has begun to make open-source farm tools available of increasing levels of sophistication. See also. Gregor, 209; Adams, 454. Larousse Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise Lexis, Paris, 1993.

Patrick Hanks, ed. Collins dictionary of the English language. London: Collins.


James Robert Vernam Marchant, Joseph Fletcher Charles (ed.). Cassell's Latin dictionary. Funk & Wagnalls.

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