Dawn Of Andromeda Wikipedia

Dawn of andromeda gameplay

Contents OverviewOf all the major species of the Commonwealth, the Than-Thre-Kull have arguably fared best in the post-Fall universe. Safe in their home systems, most Than have reverted to their pre-Commonwealth existence of hard work, strict caste lines, and indifference toward the outside universe. Like the, the Than are greatly missed by the many worlds which once benefited from their legendary industriousness and optimism.PhysiologyThe Than-Thre-Kull are highly intelligent insectoids. The Than are slightly smaller than, with compound eyes and brightly colored iridescent carapaces.Than are hermaphroditic. They mate by laying large clutches of eggs in a common burrow. Up to 100 Than place their eggs in any given burrow. The genetic material of all the Than in the spawn mix produce tens of thousands of small, helpless grubs.

Than grubs are not particularly intelligent, and spend several months eating specialized fungi, grown on Than farms. After that time, the surviving grubs spin cocoons where they metamorphosize into adult Than.

Refractions of Dawn was a minor character featured in the science fiction television series Andromeda. Though technically a hermaphrodite, the character was notably demonstrated to have feminine features and was referred to as Dawn for short. She was portrayed by Elizabeth Thai, but her voice was provided by Janyse Jaud. Eos, designated Habitat 1, was the earliest 'golden world' identified for outpost placement.Named for the Greek goddess of dawn by Jien Garson personally, Eos embodied the hope of the Andromeda Initiative for a new start. On arrival, the Nexus discovered that a world projected to be arid but comfortably habitable was now ravaged by radioactive fallout from the Scourge.

Only one in 100 Than survive to reach their adult stage, but those that do consider every Than who participated in their spawn their 'parent.' Thus, Than society is supported by a web of complex family relationships, in which every Than has hundreds of parents and siblings to call on in times of need.CultureThan superficially resemble Terran ants and live and work in large cities. However, Than do not share a collective 'hive' intelligence. In fact, Than are highly individualistic.


They take great pride in their appearance and are accomplished builders and engineers. The Than are fiercely proud of their accomplishments and traditions, even while remaining loyal members of the Commonwealth. If humans describe themselves as the Commonwealth's 'backbone,' the Than must be its tough exoskeleton.Caste System. Yellow-Brown Amber Than: do the bulk of the work. Dark Green Emerald Than: serve as warriors. Bright Red Ruby Than: specialists in technology and building. Brilliant Blue Sapphire Than: scholars and scientists.

Shimmering Diamond Than: a royal caste of leaders and priests. Crazy parking car king 3d movie online. The leader of the Shimmering Diamond is the Overdiamond, the leader of the entire Than race.NamingA Than's full personal name in Common is a, but to make conversation easier they choose a short form, consisting of a key phrase from their full name.

Vietnam black ops 2 download free. E.g., and.For example, is called 'Dawn' by her friend and captain.The name lengths are similiar to the difference between a full name and the.HistoryThe Than society was, and is, one of the strongest of all the members of the original. Beginning on their homeworld, they are the only race to have developed slipstream technology independently of the, and had already expanded onto nearly one hundred worlds when they encountered and joined the Commonwealth.The Than were long-standing and productive members of the, contributing substantially to scientific and military endeavors.After the Fall of the Commonwealth, the Than were one of the few societies to pass through the relatively unscathed.

They fell back to the security of their home systems, and continued to exist in much the same way they had before joining the Commonwealth.At the beginning of Season One of Andromeda, the is probably the most stable and cohesive civilization, and possesses the second most powerful fleet remaining in known space. However, of the had won several important victories for control of their border colonies.Known Than.Trivia. The Than are similar to the from 'Babylon 5'.