Diva Chix Login

Alexandra (username: Catlover64) first joined Diva Chix back in 2009 under the name catlover. She had to take a break for a little while due to real life obligations, but fortunately came back in 2013 with a little change to her username: catlover64.Alexandra is part of Amazing Divas Guild and has more than 100,000 guild battles! She is a genuine cat lover who loves to battle, vote and have fun. It’s obvious from her plentiful trophy collection that she loves Diva Chix and is a great player! In addition, she just came in second runner-up in the most recent Guild Survivor that just ended in the first part of February!Thank you for being a member of Diva Chix, catlover64!.

What is the first thing you do when you log in on the main site?I'm playing the games to be able to play them as much as I can lolWhich is your favorite game?Diva bamDo you like to vote?it deepends of my mood if I'm bored I get angry if I try to vote if I really want to make more moolah whatever I have to do I like it!What is your favorite shop item form the shop?Marco Top.jokeing.hmm.I think that Roucci Top!Do you use CYO? If yes what CYO? User created or created your own?I curently don't use CYO but when I'm using one it must be an request to and CYO freebie and requests shop!What do you like the most about divachix?The comunity.making lots of friends.What would you like to suggest to divachix? Anything to improve?Doing man divas lol lots of boys come here and I think that it would be nice to see something like that hereDo you think switching to the doll is a good idea?Of course it is!It's the best ideea!Do you think moolah are easy to obtain?Yep yep!Super easy only from diva bam you can get 7000 mooalh playing it 3 times!

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What is the first thing you do when you log in on the main site?I go straight to the games Emporium where I proceed to play the games one by one- starting with Risk It for a biscuit!Which is your favorite game?Risk it for a biscuit- no question about it!Do you like to vote?Occasionally I go through phases where I can vote none stop- usually after we've had some new feature set in place and so everyone goes crazy entering events and it's really fun to vote.What is your favorite shop item form the shop?Hmm. Well, there are a lot of fabulous items in the shops- but if I had to pick one it'd be the Anesti Top or the Lowches/Semsi Top when keeping things simple!Do you use CYO? If yes what CYO? User created or created your own?Using the CYO requires some form of graphic ability- which I unfortanetly lack. I have just about mastered paint, but I think anything progressive from that would just be a nightmare for me. I absolutely love all of the CYO stuff though!What do you like the most about divachix?I like the feeling of a community which is so evident in every aspect of divachix- whether it be the forums, chat or people's guestbooks- you can really see that spark which exists here on divachix.What would you like to suggest to divachix?


Anything to improve?Something I would love to see would be a feature that enables us to try on more than one item at a time- so that we could try different items as a full outfit just to see how it looks together without having to actually purchase it and discover it looks hideous together!Do you think switching to the doll is a good idea?Absolutely! I think it'll capture that spark back to the game which was missing for a while. I think a lot more people will become active in the game side of things and people will really be aspiring to make their doll look fantastic!Do you think moolah are easy to obtain?Yes- you can obtain large amounts of moolah in short periods of time if you vote continously! There are also the games too- and of course selling previously bought items of clothing from your wardrobe. What is the first thing you do when you log in on the main site? I enter hot or not.Which is your favorite game?

I lovee Diva Bam (:Do you like to vote? All the time, it's half of my life on here.What is your favorite shop item form the shop? I love like all of the clothing, I don't have a favorite.Do you use CYO? If yes what CYO? User created or created your own? Yes, I use other peoples gorgeous creations.What do you like the most about divachix? The people.What would you like to suggest to divachix?

Anything to improve? Well I think divachix could just use more variety and style in their clothing.Do you think switching to the doll is a good idea? Yes, I miss my doll terribly.Do you think moolah are easy to obtain? Not for me.but i have problems ^.^. Brave orders kiseki. What is the first thing you do when you log in on the main site? Check my subscribed threads, then the staff section, then my assigned threadsWhich is your favorite game?Risk it for a BiscuitDo you like to vote?When I get in the mood, yes.What is your favorite shop item form the shop?The pug and the penguin!