Apex Legends Characters

Apex Legends is a game created by Respawn Entertainment. 'Conquer with character in Apex Legends, a free-to-play. battle royale game where legendary challengers fight for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier.

A list of the official ages of all the Apex Legends characters. All the info has been revealed by Respawn and it is available on the video game website.

Respawn provided a brief biography on each character in the game, which includes full name, age, home world, and background history. All the information is freely accessible on the Electronic Arts website under the section dedicated to Apex Legends.

I gathered all the data and will keep updating this page with fresh one as soon as new legends are released.

Season 4: The latest character added to the game is Revenant.

  • 22 - Wattson

  • 24 - Lifeline

  • 24 - Octane

  • 30 - Gibraltar

  • 30 - Mirage

  • 35 - Bangalore

  • 48 - Caustic

  • Unknown - Bloodhound

  • Unknown - Pathfinder

  • Unknown - Wraith

  • Unknown - Crypto

  • Unknown - Revenant

At the moment, the lore of Apex Legends is quite basic if compared to games such as Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege, so there isn’t lots of info to share.

Contrave coupon from manufacturer. Apex Legends is a game based on the Titanfall series, and it takes places about 30 years after the events displayed in Titanfall 2. We are talking about a deep and complex universe, so also this game has a great potential, and the developers might release more material on the past and the evolution of each character.

Meanwhile, I suggest checking out the video below by Esports Talk, which provides detailed information on the lore of the game and the stories of all the eight legends available at launch.


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Header and gun images: Respawn

Vincenzo 'Skulz' Milella

Vincenzo is an esports writer with seven years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Apex Legends is the new Battle Royale game of Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment based on the well-established mechanics of Titanfall (but without the big robots). The peculiar characteristic of Apex Legends is the presence of Legends, unique characters that are chosen by the players before playing.

Each Legend is unique, and each has its own passive, tactical and final ability.In each team, there can only be a certain Legend, and the teams are composed of a maximum of three Legends. The game has just come out and features 8 Legends, but more will be presented later this year.In this guide, we will describe each Legend present in such a way that you can understand which one is best suited to your style of play. Apex Legends Best Characters GuideWe now present the present Legends, their order is alphabetical and not based in any way on their strength or subjective judgments.

Apex Legends Character #1 – BangaloreBangalore merely is the Legend that represents the soldier. Her offers a great variety of skills and weapons for quick killings and rapid movements.Bangalore is the right character for players who like to run, shoot and play aggressively.Bangalore once served as a weapons specialist in the IMC Armed Forces. She now fights in the Apex Games to find a way back home. Whether she’s using her Smoke Launcher or Speed Burst to get the jump on enemies, or Rolling Thunder to call in an artillery strike, you’re in for a world of hurt.What Are Bangalore’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?.

Passive: Double TimeWhen an opponent is fired or hit, Bangalore’s speed increases. Tactical: Smoke LauncherThis is also called active skill and allows Bangalore to launch a cloud of smoke that covers an area and hides both allies and enemies within it.

However, we will be able to see both. Ultimate: Rolling ThunderThis is the unique ability that allows Bangalore to call artillery that starts firing missiles in a large area over a long period. Apex Legends Character #2 – BloodhoundBloodhound is practically the scout class, able to see through the walls and keep track of the enemies both for himself and for the allies and provides more detailed information about the environment.Bloodhound is the perfect character for the calm players, and they want to keep under control every element of the game map, being able to hit in the right moment.Bloodhound is one of the greatest game hunters the Frontier has ever seen, but their identity is a mystery. All anyone can say is Bloodhound’s gods-given tracking abilities make them the ultimate predator. Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier.What Are Bloodhound’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?. Passive: TrackerBloodhound can see the footsteps of the enemies that have just passed in that part of the pitch.

Tactical: Eye of the AllfatherBloodhound scans a small area of the map to reveal possible enemies beyond the walls. Ultimate: Best of the huntThis ability allows the Legend to go into complete delirium by seeing through objects in real time and moving faster. The enemies will be highlighted in red. Apex Legends Character #3 – CausticCaustic is the expert of poisons and potions. He can then use smoke traps to capture enemies in one area or poison them slowly until death.Caustic is the ideal character for a patient player, who calmly wants to savor the end of a poisoned opponent.They say Caustic was once an idealistic scientist with a bright future, but his research took a dark turn.

His Nox Gas Traps and Nox Gas Grenades are now ready for field testing, and he knows just where to find new subjects.What Are Caustic’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?. Passive: Nox VisionCaustic sees the enemies through his Nox gas. Tactical: Nox Gas TrapCaustic drops a gas cylinder on the ground, which once detonated creates a cloud of poison.

Ultimate: Nox Gas GrenadeCaustic’s Nox Gas Grenade covers a large area of poison. Apex Legends Character #4 – GibraltarGilbatar is the classic tank.

A rock against his enemies and a shield for his allies. Farm manager 2018 wiki. He is a character who makes defense his lethal weapon.Gilbatar is ideal for those who always want to play at the forefront without ever forgetting their more fragile friends.Gibraltar is a gentle giant who has devoted his life to helping others.

His friends joined the Apex Games for money and glory – he joined to keep them safe. Now his Dome of Protection, Gun Shield, and Defensive Bombardment are there to get his teammates out of sticky situations.What Are Gilbatar’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?. Passive: Gun ShieldWhen he aims, Gibraltar creates a shield in front of him that absorbs the shots. Tactical: Dome of protectionGibraltar launches a shield bubble that blocks all incoming enemy attacks for 15 seconds and protects anyone inside. Ultimate: Defensive BombardmentGibraltar activates a focused short-range mortar shell that fires nearby enemies.

Apex Legends Character #5 – LifelineLifeline is the doctor of Apex Legends. He can heal his allies directly on the battlefield and generate powerful items for survival.Lifeline is recommended for those who are more interested in supporting allies than killing.Lifeline has devoted her life to helping those in need, and joined the Apex Games to fund the Frontier Corps with her winnings. Alongside her Drone of Compassion (D.O.C.) she charges into the thick of a fight to heal her teammates and take out anyone who tries to stop her.What Are Lifeline’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?. Passive: Combat MedicLifeline revives its allies faster than the other characters while a shield protects it. Tactical: D.O.C. Heal DroneLifeline lets go of a healing drone that stays still and pumps health to a single ally in the vicinity. Ultimate: Care packageLifeline calls a drop pod from the sky full of medals, armor, and other defense-oriented items.

Apex Legends Character #6 – MirageMirage is the character of the traps. Very self-absorbed and very skilled, he can create traps to trick enemies. Mirage is the ideal character for those who love to deceive their enemies and ultimately lose the consciousness of reality.Mirage spent his early life developing holo devices. Now he’s the life of the Apex Games, outwitting opponents and charming audiences across the Frontier. His holographic decoys keep the fight interesting while he stays out of harm’s way – or launches a surprise attack.What Are Mirage’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?. Passive: Encore!When Mirage is shot down and bleeding, he generates a call of himself nearby and also cloaks for five seconds – making him invisible.

Tactical: Psyche outMirage creates a duplicate of himself that will run forward and, hopefully, will confuse nearby enemies. Ultimate: Vanishing ActMirage becomes invisible while sending many copies of himself to confuse enemies.

Apex Legends Character #7 – PathfinderPathfinder is a cute explorer robot that moves quickly on the map. Do not be fooled by its appearance, Pathfinder uses grappling hooks and can scan parts of the map to reveal enemies and close the destructive circle.

Its verticality makes it even more difficult to detect for enemies. It’s an excellent hybrid for someone who wants to move fast and be very aggressive.Pathfinder booted up thirty years ago in an abandoned laboratory with no idea who created him or why. He’s hoping to draw the attention of that creator by participating in the Apex Games. With he’s using his Grappling Hook and Zipline Gun to launch himself across the arena, he’s easy to spot, and hard to hit.What Are Pathfinder’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?. Passive: Insider KnowledgePathfinder identifies the beacons of the survey in the world, scans them and learns where the position of the circle will be positioned. Tactical: Grappling HookPathfinder shoots a grappling hook that attaches to nearby structures and wraps it around.

Ultimate: Zipline GunPathfinder creates its zip line that can be used by his teammates. Apex Legends Character #8 – WraithWraith is the fastest and most agile character in the Apex Legends Legends. It can quickly move on the battlefield and surprise enemies behind. Wraith is excellent for players who like to be in the battlefield, but run with agility and take the enemy off guard.Wraith is a fierce fighter who can manipulate spacetime by opening rifts in the fabric of reality. She joined the Apex Games to learn the truth of her forgotten past. Her Voices from the Void skill warns her when danger is coming, and her Dimensional Rift can put her on top of enemies before they even know she’s there.What Are Wraith’s Passive, Tactical, And Ultimate Skills?.

Passive: Voices from the VoidWhen an enemy is targeting her, Wraith receives a warning. Tactical: Into the VoidWraiths come out of existence – they become invisible and invincible – for a few seconds. Ultimate: Dimensional RiftWraith opens a portal that connects two places. You and your allies can use them to jump between the areas for a short time.These are all the characters of Apex Legends. Choose the one you prefer and have fun.