Dynasty Tactics 2 Items List

This is a list of downloadable PlayStation 2 games that are purchasable from the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 3 video game console. There are currently 336 games on this list.

Page 1-DYNASTY TACTICS 2 FAQ-Generals FAQNovember 6, 2003 ver. 1.0for the PS2 (English version)produced by jiangwei487 (djs3056@yahoo.com)-Table of Contents-1) Copyright Information2) Introduction3) Officer List4) Skills5) Closing-Copyright Information-This FAQ may not be reproduced under any conditions withoutmy permission. This cannot be used on any website exceptGameFAQs.com without my permission. All registeredtrademarks and copyrights contained in this document areowned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.-Introduction-In this FAQ you will find all 225 officers from DynastyTactics 2, along with their skills.

As I get moreinformation, I will update the FAQ. If you know of anyskills I don't have or ones I have that are wrong please letme know at djs3056@yahoo.com.-Officer List-Bao LongAn officer under Zhao Fan and Marshal of Gui Yang. He issaid to have killed two tigers with his bow. He fakesdefecting to Zhao Yun, who had attacked Gui Yang, but isbeheaded by Zhao Yun who was not fooled.Bu ZhiA Minister of Wu.

In the invasion of Jing, he accuratelypredicts both Guan Yu and Cao Ren's movements and is able toguide Wu to victory. When Sun Quan ascends to the ImperialThrone, he is promoted. Later, he is made Prime Minister.-Cai MaoAn officer under Liu Biao.

Comes from a noble family inJing. Is the younger brother of Liu Biao's second wife. Hisplot to assassinate Liu Bei in order to make Liu Zongsuccessor ends in failure. He excels as a naval commander.Cao BaoAn officer of Tao Qian. When Cao Cao invaded Xu, he duelswith Xiahou Dun, but is forced to retreat due to heavywinds. He later joins Liu Bei, but is killed in a fight withZhang Fei.Cao CaoThe Wei ruler.

Skilled in art and warfare, he wrote manybooks on strategy and tactics. In the Yellow TurbanRebellion, he distinguished himself on the field of battle.After Dong Zhuo's death, he established the foundation forthe Wei Empire.Cao HongA Wei officer and Cao Cao's cousin. Together with Cao Ren,he participated in the raising of Cao Cao's army. He was acore member of the Wei forces. After Cao Pi ascended to thethrone, he worked his way up to Chief General of the Guardand Cavalry.Cao PiThe first Emperor of Wei and Cao Cao's second son.

Afterassuming control of the throne, he forced the Emperor tostep down, effectively stealing the crown. He attacked bothShu and Wu with little success, and decided to focus oninternal politics.Cao RenA Wei officer. Cao Cao's brother, he was fluent in numerousmartial arts, especially horse riding and archery. Followingthe Battle of Chi Bi, he served as the defender of the JingProvince. He also assumed Cao Pi's role as commander of thecavalry.Cao XiuA Wei officer and nephew of Cao Cao.

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A brilliant archer, heserves Cao Pi and Cao Rui following the death of Cao Cao. Heis fooled by Zhou Fang's false defection and loses manytroops. His health fails due to shame and he dies.Cao ZhangCao Cao's third son. A brave said to have killed wild beastswith his bare hands.

Was given the nickname,'The YellowBeard.' He saved his father Cao Cao from his pursuers duringthe assault on Han Zhong.Cao ZhenOfficer of Wei and Cao Cao's nephew.

Left in charge by CaoPi. He leads the army against Zhuge Liang's campaign and issoundly defeated. He is taunted in a letter and dies ofindignation.Chen DengSon of Chen Gui. He joins Liu Bei, when he is left in chargeof the Xu territories by Tao Qian. He surrenders after LiuBei's loss to Cao Cao and is made Prefect.Chen GongAn officer of the Later Han.

He joins with Cao Cao after hisfailed attempt on Dong Zhuo, but leaves him after witnessingCao Cao's methods. He joins Lu Bu as strategist. He is takencaptive and requests death.Chen GuiFamous scholar of Xu and father of Chen Deng. He betrays LuBu out of concern for the future of his country andcorresponds with Cao Cao. Together with his son, hecontributes to the victory of Cao Cao and Liu Bei.Chen JiaoHe and Cao Ren attempt to protect southern Jing, but fallprey to Zhuge Liang's plan. Later, as a minister of Wei, hehelps Cao Pi take the throne. He rises to the position ofMinister of the Interior during Cao Pi's reign.Chen LinA famous scholar and of the 'Seven of Jian An.'

He isemployed by Yuan Shao and drafts the call to arms againstCao Cao. He is later taken prisoner by Cao Cao, butunwilling to lose his talent, Cao Cao presses him intoservice.Chen QunA minister of Wei. He enacted the 'Nine Official Rank Laws,'that became the foundation of the Wei government and keptthe administration running smoothly. Upon the death of CaoPi, he, Sima Yi, Cao Zhen, and others help support Cao Rui.Chen WuAn officer of Wu. A beast of a man, his face was yellow andhis eyes red. He is the fourth general at Chi Bi.

At Ru Xu,he is taken captive by Pang De.Chen ZenA Shu vassal. While under Yuan Shao, he met Liu Bei, who wasserving Yuan Shao.

He later delivers a letter for Liu Bei toGuan Yu. After Liu Bei is made ruler of the Jing Province,he is promoted.Cheng PuAn officer of Wu. A master with his Serpent Spear, he servedthree generations of the Sun family. He was often referredto as 'Master Cheng' by the other generals. He served at theBattle of Chi Bi, teaming with Zhou Yu to defeat Cao Cao atJiang Shang.Cheng YinOne of the Eight Riders of Han Sui. Together with Ma Chao'sarmy, he forces the surrender of Chang An. Later, he fightswith Cao Cao at Wei Nan, but is killed along with hiscompanion, Zhang Heng.Cheng YuA servant of Cao Cao, he his former name was Li.

He changedhis name after having a dream where he was holding up thesun. A large man with a strong constitution, he serves CaoCao at Xun Yu's request, contributing as a strategist.Chunyu QiongAn officer under Yuan Shao. Originally one of the 8officials of Xi Yuan. At the Battle of Guan Du, he guardedthe supply depot, but after drinking too much wine, was toodrunk to defend it when attacked by Cao Cao.

Furious, YuanShao has him killed.-Deng AiA Wei officer. A talented officer discovered by Sima Yi, hewas active in the Shu Campaign. He teamed up with Zhong Huito destroy Shu, but later fought with him.

Due to ZhongHui's accusations, he is captured and while being escortedaway, is assassinated.Deng ZhiA minister of Wei. He makes numerous trips between Shu andWu after Liu Bei's death and is successful in bringing aboutan alliance between the two.

With Zhao Yun, he leads thevanguard during the Northern Campaign. Famous for his wisdomand courage.Dian WeiA giant of a man often referred to as pure evil. Served asCao Cao's personal bodyguard and was constantly by his side.After Zhang Xiu's night attack on Wan Castle, he alone stoodbefore the enemy troops, giving his life so that Cao Caocould escape.Ding FengA Wu officer who served from the time of Sun Quan.

In hisfirst battle, he showed excellent skill, including thedefeat of Zhang Liao. Serving Wu for more than 70 years, hewas promoted as high as Commander GeneralDong HeA minister of Liu Bei. Originally a follower of Liu Zhang,he urges that Liu Zhang request assistance from Zhang Lu.After Liu Bei's acquisition of Shu, he is made a commander.Dong XiA Wu officer.

He was responsible for introducing the famousdoctor Hua Tuo to Sun Ce. He fights well in the defense ofRuan Xu, but due to strong winds, his boat is capsized andhe drowns. His corpse was later buried by Sun Quan.Dong YunA minister of Shu. He, Zhuge Liang, Fei Yi, and Jiang Wanformed the 'Four Heads'.

While he lived, Huang Hao wasrestrained in what he could do. He was known to be level-headed and have a straightforward nature. He was theguardian of Shu's Yellow Gate.Dong ZhaoA minister of Wei. He recommends moving the capital to XuChang. He drafts a document that recommends Cao Cao take thethrone. By the time of Cao Rui, he had become Minister ofthe Interior.-EmperorEmperor Xiao, the final monarch of the Later Han. Placed onthe throne by Dong Zhuo at the age of 9, he was subsequentlycontrolled by Cao Cao.

He is forced to abdicate in favor ofthe Wei Ruler Cao Pi.-Fa ZhengA vassal of Shu and former servant of Liu Zhang. Togetherwith Zhang Song, he planned Liu Bei's Shu Campaign.Excelling in strategy, he served as an advisor in the attackon Han Zhong.

It is said that if Fa Zheng had been alive, YiLing never would have fallen.Fei ShiA minister of Shu. He is originally a follower of Liu Zhang.He admonished Guan Yu for complaining about Huang Zhongbeing given an equivalent rank. In the first NorthernCampaign, he is left at the capital with Xi Zheng as apersonal secretary.Fei YiA minister of Shu. He and Jiang Wan were left in charge ofShu during the Northern Campaign. Following the death ofZhuge Liang he advances in rank and together with Jiang Wan,oversees Shu's administration.Fei ZhanAn Overlord of the Shan Yue, he is based in Dan Yang. He isfriendly with Wei, but is attacked and scattered by Lu Xun.Feng JiA minister of Yuan Shao. He was called courageous butunfeeling by Xun Yu.

He was very brash and drove Tian Fengto commit suicide. Upon Yuan Shao's death, he supported YuanShang as the rightful heir.-Gan NingA Wu officer and former pirate, he served both Liu Biao andHuang Zu. After being passed over for promotion, he took hisservices to Sun Quan, who welcomed him to Wu at therecommendation of Zhou Yu and Lu Su. He later fought at ChiBi and in the campaign against Wei.Gao LanAn officer under Yuan Shao.

At the Battle of Guan Du, hefought with the mighty Xu Zhu of Cao Cao's army. He latergoes to serve Cao Cao with his companion, Zhang He. Heattacked Liu Bei at Ru Nan, killing Liu Pi.Gao ShunAn officer under Lu Bu. A brave general who was known forhis ability to break any enemy formation. After Lu Bu isdefeated, he is brought before Cao Cao, but refuses to pleadfor his life and dies honorably.Gong ZhiHe is originally a minister of Jin Xuan, Prefect of Wu Ling.When Zhang Fei attacks, he advises surrender and is ignored.After Jin Xuan's defeat, he kills Jin and delivers bothJin's head and the city's surrender to Zhang Fei. He islater appointed Prefect of Wu Ling.Gongsun ZanPrefect of Bei Ping.

Having studied with Liu Bei under LuZhi, he led an elite army made up of troops from Bai Ma,earning him the nickname, the 'General of Bai Ma.' Heexcelled in the Yellow Turban campaign, but was laterdefeated by Yuan Shao.Gu YongA minister of Wu and student of Cai Yong. He serves Sun Quanat Zhang Hong's recommendation and becomes Prime Ministerwhen Sun Quan declares himself Emperor. It is said that hedidn't talk much and never drank.Guan LuAn expert in astrology and the Book of Jing, he couldforesee people's futures. He performs divination for Cao Caoand correctly predicts Shu's attack, the deaths of XiahouYuan and Lu Su, and the burning of Xu Chang.Guan PingAn officer under Liu Bei. The second son of Guan Ding, hewas adopted by Guan Yu.

After Liu Bei entered Shu, he andhis father protected the Jing Province. Captured by Wu atMai Castle, he suffered the same fate as Guan Yu.Guan SuoA Shu officer and Guan Yu's third son. After the fall ofJing, he was severely wounded and fled to Bao Jia Zhuang torecover. During the Southern Campaign, he returns to Shu andspearheads their attack, capturing Meng Huo in the process.Guan XingA Shu general and Guan Yu's second son.

He joined Liu Bei inthe fight against Wu, getting vengeance for his father'sdeath. He made a pact of brotherhood with Zhang Fei's son,Zhang Bao, and they fought bravely during the battles in theNorth.Guan YuA Shu officer. Sworn brother of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, he isthe leader of the Five Tigers and helped form the ShuKingdom. With his strong sense of bravery, he has beenlabeled as 'a match for 10,000 men.'

Guan Yu is also knownfor his beautiful beard.Guo HuaiAn officer of Wei under Cao Zhen and Sima Yi. He serves asLiutenant Governor of Yong and suppresses Xiahou Ba'srebellion. He rescues Sima Zhao at Mt.

Tie Long.Guo JiaA minster of Cao Cao. He joins Cao Cao upon Xun Yu'srecommendation. His knowledge and accurate appraisals wonhim Cao Cao's trust. After He Bei, he falls ill and dies.Following the loss at Chi Bi, Cao Cao is said to havelamented, 'If only Guo Jia had been with us.' Guo SiAn officer under Dong Zhuo. After Dong Zhuo's death, heattacked Chang An on Jia Xu's advice. Killing Wang Yun, heseized control of the Imperial Court with the help of LiJue.


He later became a bandit, and was killed by his servantWu Xi.Guo TuAn aide to Yuan Shao. At the Battle of Guan Du, herecommends an attack on Cao Cao which leads to defeat. Afterthe death of Yuan Shao, he becomes an aide to Yuan Tan.-Han DangA Wu officer and veteran general who served threegenerations of the Sun family. He fought in many battles,including the Battle of Chi Bi, the campaign against GuanYu, and the Battle of Yi Ling.

At Chi Bi, he rescued HuangGai, who had fallen overboard after being hit.Han HaoA Wei officer. He was serving under Yuan Shu, but joined CaoCao after being invited by Xiahou Dun. He advised Cao Cao onthe importance of the military helping people in the fields.In the story, he is portrayed as the younger brother of theChang Sha Prefect, Han Xuan.Han SongA strategist under Liu Biao. He goes to Xu Chang to discoverCao Cao's plans. He was called before the Imperial Court andmade Prefect of Ling Ling. Upon his return, he is thrown injail by an angered Liu Biao.Han SuiThe ruler of the Xi Province. After his stepbrother Ma Tengis killed by Cao Cao, he enlists Teng's son Ma Chao toserved him.

However, when later tempted to join Cao Cao, hisleft arm is cut off by the enraged Ma Chao.Han XuanPrefect of Chang Sha. He sentenced Huang Zhong to death onsuspicion of treason after Huang Zhong failed to attack GuanYu. However, he is killed by Wei Yan before he can carry thesentence out. Extremely short tempered.Hao ZhaoAn officer of Wei. Through Sima Yi's recommendation, he isgiven Chen Cang Castle to defend.

A genius at defensivewarfare, he held off Zhuge Liang's 300,000 troops for over20 days with just 3,000 men.Hou ChengAn officer under Lu Bu. He is punished for breakingrestrictions on drinking. He, Wei Xu and Song Xian decide toswitch sides. He steals Red Hare and surrenders to Cao Cao.Hu BanAdvisor to Wang Zhi.

He is ordered to kill Guan Yu, who hadleft to find Liu Bei, but ignores orders and lets him go. Helater journeys to Jing and swears loyalty to Liu Bei.Hu Che-ErConsidered the greatest warrior of the Zhang Xiu army. Offoreign (non-Chinese) origin. During the attack on Cao Caoat Wan Castle, he stole Dian Wei's weapon, insuring thesuccess of the surprise attack.Hua TuoThe legendary doctor known for his amazing healing powers.Said to have used anesthetics during surgery. He is jailedon suspicion of assassinating Cao Cao and dies in prison. Heentrusts his medical journal to a jailer, but it isdestroyed in a fire.Hua XinA strategist under Cao Cao.

He left his position as Ministerto the Han and joined Sun Ce and then Cao Cao. In the story,he threatens the Emperor into abdicating and then raises CaoPi to the throne.

However, history portrays him completelydifferent.Huang GaiAn Wu officer and master of the iron staff. At the Battle ofChi Bi, he and Zhou Yu hatch a brilliant plan. After being'attacked' by Zhou Yu, Huang Gai surrendered to Cao Cao,where he then set fire to the Wei fleet, leading to a greatvictory for Wu.Huang QuanAn officer who served Shu and Wei. In the assault on Wu, hecontrolled the Shu fleet for Liu Bei, but upon its defeat,he was isolated and reluctantly joined Wei. Even after hissurrender, his allegiance to Liu Bei did not change.Huang ZhongA Shu officer. A master with a bow.

He served both Liu Biaoand Han Xuan and later joined Liu Bei. He accompanied LiuBei during his ascension to the throne of Han Zhong, and wasappointed to the Five Tigers.Huang ZuOfficer of Liu Biao. Defends Jiang Xia, but is defeated bySun Jian.

He blames the Gan Ning for the defeat, causing GanNing to flee to Wu. He is later killed by that same GanNing, who had become a Wu officer.Huo JunAn officer under Liu Biao and father of Shu's Huo Yi. Heserves Liu Bei after the latter gainns control of the Jingterritory. With Meng Da, he is given the charge of defendingthe Jia Meng to Gate.-Ji LingAn officer under Yuan Shu and wielder of the 'Spear ofEvil'.

When Liu Bei attacks, he holds his own against GuanYu. Under orders from Yuan Shu, he later attacks Liu Bei,but is forced into a treaty by Lu Bu.Jia KuiA vassal of Wei. He admonishes Cao Zhang for quarreling withhis brother Cao Pi over succession to the throne. In thebattle against Wu, he joins Cao Xiu as strategist and seesthrough Zhou Fang's fake defection.Jia XuA Wei vassal. Hw originally served under Li Jue, but unhappywith his position, left for Zhang Xiu. There, he was abrilliant tactician and gained numerous victories over CaoCao. He later joined Cao Cao with Zhang Xiu and received apromotion.Jian YongA vassal of Shu from the same village as Liu Bei.

Extremelyopen-minded, he is with Liu Bei from the beginning andserves as an envoy and strategist. He is given a high rankafter the formation of Shu.Jiang QinA Wu officer. He received high praise together with Zhou Taiwhile under Sun Ce. During the Southern campaign, he led theinvasion, but suffered a great defeat and was nearlyexecuted. In the battle against Guan Yu, he controlled thenaval forces and surrounded him.Jiang WanA minister of Shu. A follower of Liu Bei from the time inJing, he excelled at politics. He is entrusted with therearguard of the Northern Campaign.

Following Zhuge Liang'sdeath he controls Shu government.Jiang WeiAn officer of Shu. Once of Wei, he was cast out due to aplot of Zhuge Liang's and joined Shu. He idolized ZhugeLiang, and was treated as a successor. After his mentor'sdeath, he vowed to fulfill Zhuge Liang's ambition, andcontinued the attack against the North.Jin XuanThe Prefect of Wu Ling. When Zhang Fei attacked his city, heignored the counsel of Gong Zhi, and went out to challengehim.

He was soundly defeated and retreated to his castle,only to find it closed to him. He was killed by an arrowfrom Gong Zhi.Ju ShouA vassal of Yuan Shao.

He often advised to strike Cao Cao,but was ignored and thrown in jail. After Yuan Shao'sdefeat, he is advised to surrender to Cao Cao, but herefuses and is killed during his attempt to escape.-Kan ZeA strategist under Sun Quan. He assists Huang Gai and ZhouYu in their schemes. He personally goes to Cao Cao as anemissary, and lays the seeds for the plan's success.

Herecommends a young Lu Xun as the one to oppose the Shuinvasion.Kong RongPrefect of Bei Hai during the Later Han and a descendant ofConfucius. He joins the alliance against Dong Zhuo and laterserves Cao Cao, but is killed when he opposes the campaignagainst Liu Bei.Kuai LiangA vassal of Liu Biao and older brother of Kuai Yue. Heserved as an advisor to Liu Biao.

When Sun Jian attackedJing, he told Lu Gong the plan that enabled them to trap andkill Sun Jian.Kuai YueA minister of Liu Biao and younger brother to Kuai Liang. Hecounseled Liu Zong, who succeeded Liu Biao, to surrender toCao Cao. Cao Cao paid him high praise. 'I'm happier to haveobtained Kuai Yue than all of Jing.' -Lei BoLei Bo An officer under Yuan Shu. When Yuan Shu declareshimself Emperor he leaves him and goes with Chen Lan to Mt.Song to join a group of bandits. He later attacks a fleeingYuan Shu and steals all of his belongings.Lei TongAn officer under Liu Zhang.

He fought against Shu, but wassurrounded and forced to surrender. During the defense of BaShi, he fights well against Wei's Zhang He, but his escaperoute is cut off and he is killed in battle.Li DianA veteran general under Cao Cao. A lover of learning, he hasa very cool and careful personality. He has tempered hiscolleagues on numerous occasions. Together with Zhang Liaoand Yue Jin, he served in the defense of He Fei.Li HuiA Shu vassal. Sensing Liu Zhang's defeat, he surrendered toLiu Bei.

He also persuaded Ma Chao, who had come to aid LiuZhang, to join Liu Bei. He served in both the Northern andSouthern campaigns.Li JueAn officer under Dong Zhuo.

After Dong Zhuo's death, hekills Wang Yun and takes Emperor Xiao, assuming control ofthe government. A plot by Yang Biao causes him to quarrelwith Guo Si, Leading to his own demise.Li YanOfficer of Shu. Formerly an officer of Liu Zhang, he joinedLiu Bei in Shu.

Zhuge Liang claimed this officer to be onpar with Lu Xun. However, he fails with the supplies duringthe Northern Campaign and flees.Liao HuaA Shu officer and former Yellow Turban rebel. During GuanYu's flight from Wei, he asked to be Guan Yu's servant, butwas refused. He later went on to serve and fight for LiuBei. He lived to see Shu from its birth to its demise.Ling TongA Wu general and the son of Ling Cao.

Upon joining Wu, hetries to seek vengeance for his father on Gan Ning and isreproached by Lu Meng and Sun Quan. Later, his life is savedby Gan Ning, upon which he makes peace and swears an oath offriendship.Liu BaA minister of Shu.

He is originally Liu Zhang's advisor. Outof loyalty to Liu Zhang, he does not immediately serve LiuBei. But after Liu Bei personally visits him, he gives in.He also joins the Northern Campaign.Liu BeiThe first Emperor of Shu. With his sworn brothers, Guan Yuand Zhang Fei, he fought the Yellow Turbans. In time, heestablishes the Shu Kingdom, signifying the beginning ofthe Three Kingdoms era.

His aim is to restore the HanDynasty and bring peace to the land.Liu BiaoGovernor of Jing and one of the eight geniuses of Jiang Xia.He led Jing to a time of peace, but due to his indecisivenature, he missed out on numerous opportunities to unify theland.Liu DuPrefect of Ling Ling during the Later Han. He sends his son,Liu Xian, and Xingdao Rong to stop Liu Bei's forces. Hesurrenders after Liu Xian is defeated.

He is left as Prefectof Ling Ling by Liu Bei.Liu FengLiu Bei's adopted son. He serves in the defense of ChangYang, but refuses Guan Yu's request for reinforcement. As aresult, Guan Yu and his son are killed. Enraged, Liu Bei hashim executed at Cheng Du.Liu QiLiu Biao's oldest son. His stepmother tries to kill him sothat his younger brother can succeed to the throne, but hereceives advice from Zhuge Liang which allows him to escapefrom danger. He later went on to be the Prefect of Jing.Liu XianPrefect of Ling Ling and son to Liu Du.

He fights with LiuBei's forces but is taken captive by Zhang Fei. He isreleased on the provision that he convince his father tosurrender. He fulfills his promise and is forgiven. He thenserves Liu Bei.Liu YeA minister of Wei. He serves at Guo Jia's recommendation. Hethought of using catapults against Yuan Shao and drove offenemy spear attacks.

During his service to three generationsof the Cao Family, he is credited with a number ofsuccessful ideas.Liu YongThe Lieutenant Governor of Yang. From the same homeland asTaishi Ci, he enlists his service, but is unable to use himproperly. He is invaded by Sun Ce and defeated, fleeing toYu Zhang.Liu ZhangGovernor of Yi for the Later Han and son of Liu Yan. Inpreparation for an invasion by Zhang Lu, he invites Jing'sLiu Bei to join him. However, his people, in search of astrong leader, encourage Liu Bei to invade Cheng Du, forcinghim to resign.Liu ZongSecond son of Liu Biao. At the urging of Cai Mao he becomesthe successor to his father.

He surrenders to Cao Cao and ismade Lieutenant Governor of Qing. However, on his way toQing, he is murdered by some of Cao Cao's followers.Lu BuThe mighty Lu Bu. Skilled in all the martial arts. It wasoften said, 'Among men, Lu Bu.

Among horse, Red Hare.' Loyalonly to himself, he cut down his own stepfather, Ding Yuan,and joined Dong Zhuo, only to later betray him as well.Lu FanA minister of Wu. He is a strategist for Yuan Shu, butleaves to serve Sun Ce. He proposes the plan to marry SunQuan's sister to Liu Bei and then serves as the emissarybetween them.Lu JiA minister of Wu related to Lu Xun. He is adept at fortune-telling and history. On a visit to Yuan Shu while stillyoung, he is said to have hidden an orange in his shirt totake back to his mother.Lu KuangAn officer under Yuan Shang and brother to Lu Xiang. He ismade an officer after pledging loyalty to Yuan Tan.

However,he later switches allegiance to Cao Cao. With Lu Xiang heattacks Xin Ye, but is killed by Zhao Yun.Lu Ling QiThe beloved daughter of Lu Bu, her mother died after she wasborn. A lover of the fighting arts, she always accompaniedher father in battle. She refused to be married to YuanShu's son.Lu MengA Wu officer.

An able warrior, he devoted himself to studyto improve his intellect. He was greatly admired by Lu Su asa great servant of the Wu Kingdom. Together with Lu Xun, heretook the Jing Province, capturing the great Guan Yu in theprocess.Lu QianAn officer under Cao Cao. He and Man Chong are recommendedby Liu Ye, and made officers. He participates in a number ofbattles and is primarily assigned to bring up the rearguard.Lu SuA vassal of Wu. On Zhou Yu's recommendation, he goes toserve Sun Quan. He advises joining with Liu Bei at Chi Bi.He becomes Commander upon the death of Zhou Yu, and servesWu against Wei and Shu.Lu XiangAn officer of Yuan Shang and Brother to Lu Kuang.

Hegenerally stays with his brother. After surrendering to CaoCao, he is placed under Cao Ren, and attacks Liu Bei at XinYe. He is defeated by Zhang Fei.Lu XunA Wu officer and married to Sun Ce's daughter.

With Lu Meng,he defeated Guan Yu and succeeded in recapturing Jing. AsCommander at the Battle of Yi Ling, he led Wu to victoryover Liu Bei and the forces of Shu.-Ma ChaoThe eldest son of Ma Teng, he was called 'Ma Chao theSplendid' due to his skills as a warrior.

To avenge hisfather, he led troops against Cao Cao at Chang An, but lost.He later served Liu Bei and is counted among Shu's FiveTigers.Ma DaiA Shu officer. Together with his cousin Ma Chao, he goes toserve Liu Bei. He is put in charge of forces in the Northernand Southern Campaigns and does well.

After Zhuge Liang'sdeath, he put down Wei Yan, who had revolted. He was laterpromoted.Ma LiangA Shu vassal.

A talented man, he was given the nickname'White Eyebrows.' Together with his brother Ma Su, he servedLiu Bei. He helped Guan Yu with domestic affairs in Jing.

Atthe Battle of Yi Ling, he delivered encampment plans toZhuge Liang.Ma SuA Shu officer and younger brother of Ma Liang. Zhuge Liangbelieved in his talent, but Liu Bei didn't trust him withimportant matters. He served well during the SouthernCampaign, but in the north, his failure results in defeat,forcing Zhuge Liang to execute him.Ma TengProtector of Xi-Liang during the Later Han and descendant ofthe famous warrior Ma Ju. He joins with Dong Cheng in anattempt to kill Cao Cao. He is later called to the capitalby Cao Cao. He once again lays plans to kill Cao Cao, but isdiscovered and executed.Ma TieThird son of Ma Teng. Along with Ma Xiu, he follows hisfather to Xu Chang.

After the plot with Huang Kui to killCao Cao is discovered, he flees, only to be surrounded byWei troops and killed.Ma XiuSecond son of Ma Teng. He accompanied his father when MaTeng is called to Xu Chang by Cao Cao. However, the plans torevolt are discovered and he is taken and executed.Man ChongA vassal of Wei.

He convinces Yang Feng's officer, Xu Huang,to join Cao Cao. He advises Cao Ren to defend Fan Castle andsucceeds in repelling Guan Yu.Mao JieA minister of Cao Cao. He is recommended by Man Chong to CaoCao. He excelled at internal administration and stressed theneed for farming. Following the death of Cai Mao, he and YuJin were appointed Naval Commanders.Meng DaAn officer who has served under Liu Zhang, Liu Bei and CaoPi.

He contributes to Liu Bei's Shu campaign, but he desertsGuan Yu and joins Wei. After the death of Cao Pi, heattempts to return to Shu, but is defeated by Sima Yi.Mi FangAn officer under Liu Bei and Mi Zhu's little brother.

Heprotected Southern Jing under Guan Yu. However, he ispersuaded by his friend Fu Tu Ren to betray Guan Yu and joinWu. He later returns to Shu, but is executed for hisbetrayal.Mi ZhuA vassal under Liu Bei and wealthy merchant from Xu.Following the death of his master, Yan Qian, he served LiuBei. After Liu Bei's capture of Shu, he was promoted to aposition higher than even Zhuge Liang.-Niu JinAn officer under Cao Ren.

In the fight with Wu, he trappedGan Ning in Yi Ling, but was forced to flee whenreinforcements from Zhou Yu arrived. He regroups and attacksZhou Yu, but the attack is anticipated and he is beatenbadly.-Pan ZhangA Wu officer. Together with Zhu Ran he captured the greatGuan Yu, receiving Blue Dragon as a reward. Later, he ispursued by Guan Yu's son, Guan Xing, and when caught bysurprise from seeing Guan Yu's ghost, is cut down andkilled.Pang DeA Wei officer.

He served Ma Chao, but was captured duringCao Cao's attack on Han Zhong. At Fan Castle, he fought to adraw with Guan Yu and showed his resolve, often preparinghis own coffin when going to battle.Pang TongAn official under Liu Bei. A classmate of Zhuge Liang, hewas often compared him. At Chi Bi, he helped ensure victoryfor the Allied forces. After joining Liu Bei, he suggestedthe capture of Shu and led the campaign himself.-Quan ZongAn officer of Wu, he was successful in a campaign againstbandits. Later, he and Lu Xun attack the Wei troops who aredeceived by Zhou Fang's false defection. He defeats Wei'sXue Qiao.-Sha MokeThe King of Wu Xi Man.

Helping Liu Bei in his campaignagainst Wu, he killed Gan Ning with an arrow. After beingattacked by fire, he flees, but is followed by Wu's ZhouTai, who cuts down and kills him.Shang XiangThe daughter of the Sun Family and younger sister of Sun Ceand Sun Quan. She took interest in the martial arts from anearly age. She married Liu Bei, but it is said that hermaidens were constantly outside her room, dressed in fullarmor.Shen PeiA minister of Yuan Shao. Xun Yu called him stubborn andunable to formulate a decent plan. After Yuan Shao's death,he serves Yuan Shang.

He is captured by Cao Cao but refusesto join him. He is executed while looking towards his lordin the north.Shi XieA general of Wu and Prefect of Jiao-Zhi during the LaterHan. He swears allegiance to Sun Quan in the year 210 and ispromoted. He later climbs to the rank of General of Defense.Sima HuiA scholar.

A noted figure of Xiang Yang, he taught ZhugeLiang, Pang Tong and Xu Shu. He sheltered Liu Bei when hefled across the Tan River, and told him about the SleepingDragon and Fledgling Phoenix.Sima LangA minister of the later Han and older brother to Sima Yi.The siblings of Sima Yi were all very bright and were calledthe 'Eight Scholars of Sima.' History records him, inparticular, as a scholar on par with Xun Shuang.Sima YiA Wei vassal. In the battle with Shu, he refused to be luredout by Zhuge Liang, resulting in victory. After serving fourgenerations of the Cao Family, he seized control of the WeiEmpire, laying the foundation for the Jin Dynasty.Song XianAn officer under Lu Bu.

After seeing his friend Hou Chengbeing punished for a trivial matter, he, Hou Cheng and WeiXu defect to Cao Cao. Later, in the battle with Yuan Shao,he is killed by the general Yan Liang.Su FeiAn officer under Huang Zu and Marshal of Jiang Xia. Hisfriend Gan Ning a former pirate,is not trusted by Huang Zuand defects. Later, Su Fei is captured by Sun Quan, but hislife is saved by Gan Ning, who had joined the Wu leader.Sun CeThe oldest son of Sun Jian.

After his father's death, Sun Cewent on to raise his own army. In a short while, controlledJiang Dong and earned the nickname the 'Little Conqueror.'

Starting with Zhou Yu, gathered many officers, laying thefoundation for Wu.Sun QianA vassal of Liu Bei. Immediately before his death, Tao Qianrecommended him to Liu Bei. He went on to help the wanderingLiu Bei as advisor and diplomat. Upon Liu Bei's entranceinto Shu, he was next only to Mi Zhu.Sun QuanThe first Emperor of the Wu Kingdom.

The second son of SunJian and younger brother of Sun Ce. Sun Ce praised hisability at governance. At the Battle of Chi Bi, Sun Quanemerged victorious against the much larger forces of CaoCao.Sun ShaoHe was adopted by Sun Jian, making him cousin to Sun Huan.During the attack against Wei, he opposed Xu Sheng creatingconfusion among the Wei troops.

With the help of Ding Feng,he achieved a great victory.-Taishi CiAn officer of Wu. With his strong sense of duty and afeeling of obligation to his mother, he saved Kong Rong fromdanger. Later, he serves Liu Yong and fights Sun Ce to adraw. Liu Yong eventually loses to Sun Ce, forcing Taishi Cito surrender.Tian FengAn aide of Yuan Shao. Xun Yu claimed he had a rigid natureand was disobedient to his lord. He was against the fightwith Cao Cao and was put in jail for proposing a war ofattrition. He committed suicide after Feng Ji slandered hisgood name.-Wang CanA minister of Liu Biao.

Following Liu Biao's death, he andKuai Yue recommend that Liu Zong surrender to Cao Cao. He islater appointed to office by Cao Cao.

He was a famouswriter.Wang FuA minister of Guan Yu. When Guan Yu decides to attack XiangYang, he is uneasy about Jing's defenses and cautions himabout them. He protects Mao Cheng after Guan Yu goes to gethelp.

He learns of his masters death and commits suicide.Wang LangA vasal of Wei, formerly of the Later Han. He later servesCao Cao, and presses the Emperor to abdicate. At the Battleof Wei Shui, he tries to debate with Zhuge Liang, but isutterly defeated and dies in shame and frustration.Wang LeiA minister of Li Zhang.

A loyal follower, he hangs himselfupside down from the castle gate to try to keep Liu Zhangfrom calling on Liu Bei. He is ignored and he then cuts therope and falls to his death.Wang PingA shu officer. Formerly of Wei, he opposed Xu Huang in theBattle of Han Zhong and defected to Shu. He went on theserve in both the Northern and Southern Campaigns. At JieTing, he served under Ma Su and fought well, but lost.Wang ShuangA general under Cao Zhen and wielder of the Shooting Star, asixty pound blade. He fought Shu troops at Chen Cang.

Hecaptured Xie Xiong, And wounded Zhang Yi. He tries to presshis attack, but is killed by Wei Yan.Wang XiuA minister of Yuan Tan and an officer of Qing. He shedstears at the sight of Yuan Tan's decapitated head, in directdisobedience of Cao Cao's command. In view of such loyalty,he is given the position of Captain.Wei XuAn officer under Lu Bu. Together with Hou Cheng and SongXian, he defects to Cao Cao. At the Battle of Bai Ma, hechallenges Yan Liang to a duel, but is killed in one blow.Wei YanA Shu officer. He served under Liu Biao until the latter'sdeath.

Later, despite his rebellious spirit, and thedisapproval of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei took him in as one ofhis own. He went on to become a Five Tiger and was a majorforce in the Shu efforts to take the North.Wn ChouAn officer under Yuan Shao. In order to avenge his companionYan Liang, he set out for Yan Jin, where he met Cao Cao andfought bravely in battle. He managed to defeat both ZhangLiao and Xu Huang, but was eventually defeated by Guan Yu.Wen PinAn officer of Liu Biao and later, Wei. Together with LiuZong, he is about to surrender to Cao Cao, but embarrassedhe couldn't protect his country, is unable to serve him.Impressed, Cao Cao makes him the Prefect of Jiang Xia.Wu BanAn officer of Shu and brother to Wu Yi. He was originally afollower of Liu Zhang. In the campaign against Wu, he winsmany battles and encircles Sun Huan at Yi Ling.

In theNorthern Campaign, he is killed by Zhang Hu and Yue Chen.Wu LanA Shu officer. He was a servant under Lu Zhang, but switchedloyalties to Liu Bei after he invaded Shu. At the Battle ofXia Yu, he fights with Cao Cao's son, Cao Zhang, and iskilled.Wu YiAn officer of Shu and brother-in-law to Liu Zhang. Hesurrenders to Liu Bei after the formation of Shu. Aftersuccessfully serving Liu Bei, his younger sister becomes LiuBei's wife.-Xiahou BaAn officer who served both Wei and Shu.

Eldest son of XiahouYuan. Fearing for his life, he fled to Shu following theassassination of Cao Shuang by Sima Yi. His daughter becomesZhang Fei's wife and their child married Liu Chan.Xiahou DunA Wei officer and cousin to Cao Cao. It is said that he losthis eye to an arrow in a battle with Lu Bu. He then removedit from the arrow and ate it. Late, he fought in manybattles, serving as Cao Cao's right-hand man.Xiahou YuanA Wei officer and brother to Xiahou Dun.

He joined Cao Caoand led one flank o Cao Cao's army. Famous for his lightningquick attacks, he had many victories, including the defeatof Ma Chao. Ding Jun, he was drawn out and killed byHuang Zhong.Xiang ChongAn officer of Shu and the nephew of Xiang Lang. In theOfficer list created by Zhuge Liang for his NorthernCampaigns, he is recorded as having a bright future due tohis qualities, deeds and personality. He protected therearguard during the Northern Campaign.Xiang LangA minister of Liu Bei and uncle of Xiang Chong. He servesLiu Biao, but after Biao's death, he swears allegiance toLiu Bei.

He serves as an advisor to Guan Yu, and was giventhe charge of defending Jing.Xin PiA vassal of Wei and brother of Xin Ping. Serves the YuanFamily until its demise.

He later joins Cao Cao. At the WuZhang Plains, he delivers an Imperial decree to the Weiforces that are lined up against Zhuge Liang, stopping thearmy from attacking prematurely.Xin PingA minister under Han Fu. After Han Fu flees, he serves theYuan Family. He becomes Yuan Tan's aide and strategist. Heis sent to Cao Cao as an ambassador. Cao Cao tries torecruit him, but he refuses.Xing DaorongAn officer under Liu Du.

He opposes Liu Bei, but can notstand against Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun and surrenders. Afterbeing released, he once again raises an army and attacks,but is struck down by a blow from Zhao Yun.Xu GongPrefect of Wu in the Later Han. He sends a message warningCao Cao to beware of Sun Ce. His message is discovered andhe is killed. In revenge, three of his guests attack Sun Ce,wounding him badly.Xu HuangA Wei officer. He joined Cao Cao after being persuaded byMan Chong. A wise and valiant general, Cao Cao labeled him'a match for Sun Tzu,' after his victory over Guan Yu at FanCastle.

He is counted among the Five Generals of Wei.Xu JingA minister of Shu. When Liu Bei asked for Liu Zhang'ssurrender, he was among the first to do so. He gained anexcellent reputation. When Liu Bei became Emperor, he wasmade Minister of Interior.Xu ShaoA physiognomist. Cousin of Shu's Xu Jing and a master judgeof character. He described the young Cao Cao as 'an ableminister in peace, a genius in chaos.'

Character evaluationswere made at the beginning of each month.Xu ShengA Wu officer. He served in the Battle of Chi Bi, and in theattacks on He Fei and Jing. When Cao Pi attacked Wu, he tooka group of men and by building a phony castle, was able todeceive and evade the Wei forces.Xu ShuA student of Sima Hui's and master of swordplay. He servesas Liu Bei's strategist until his mother was taken by CaoCao. After that he was forced to serve Cao Cao.

Herecommended the 'Sleeping Dragon,' Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei.Xu YouA strategist to Yuan Shao. He switched allegiances to CaoCao, with whom he was on good terms, at Guan Du. He providedinformation about Wu Chao which turned the tables of the warand allowed Cao Cao to snatch victory from the jaws ofdefeat.Xu ZhuA Wei officer. An extremely large man as big around as hewas tall. He served as Cao Cao's personal bodyguard.Normally fairly absent-minded, he transformed on thebattlefield, fighting with the fierceness of a tiger,earning him the nickname 'Sleeping Tiger.'

Xun YouA servant of Cao Cao and nephew of Xun Yu. Raised on thebattlefield, he was able to give many points of advice. Atthe Battle of Chi Bi, he served along with Cheng Yu.Xun YuA vassal of Wei and extremely clever. He served under CaoCao as an advisor. He disagrees with Cao Cao's accession tothe Wei throne and filled with anguish, dies of illness. Ithas also been said that he committed suicide.-Yan BaihuA bandit from the Wu territory. Calls himself the'Benevolent King of East Wu.'

Shot by Sun Ce, he turns toWang Lang of Hui Ji for help, but is defeated once again. Heflees, but he is killed by Dong Xi, who offers his head toSun Ce.Yan GangAn officer under Gongsun Zan. He leads troops at the battleof Jie Quiao, but is beaten and killed by Yuan Shao'sgeneral, Qu Yi.Yan JunMinister of Sun Quan. He debated with Zhuge Liang, who hadvisited Wu for an alliance, but loses.

He is given variousappointments after Sun Quan becomes Emperor.Yan LiangA brave warrior under Yuan Shao. He spearheaded the attackat the Battle of Bai Ma, defeating both Song Xian and WeiXu. He also forced the brave Xu Huang to retreat, butshortly after, was killed in one blow by Guan Yu, who wasserving under Cao Cao at the time.Yan PuA minister of Zhang Lu. He makes many suggestions as Zhang'sstrategist. He prevents the killing of Pang De, after ZhangLu had been tricked by Yang Song. After Zhang's surrender,he serves as an officer for Cao Cao.Yan XingThe younger brother of Yan Baihu. He serves as an emissaryfor peace to Sun Ce.

During the negotiations, he proposesthat they split Jiang Dong in two. He is killed by anenraged Sun Ce.Yan YanA Shu officer. He served under Liu Zhang during theprotection of the Ca Territory.

He fought against Zhang Fei,and was captured, but impressed by his response, decided toserve him. Later, he fought alongside Huang Zhong in theassault on Han Zhong.Yang HuaiAn officer of Liu Zhang and Marshal of the Bai Shui Gate. Heplans the assassination of Liu Bei with his compatriot GaoPei.

However, his plan is discovered before it can becarried out. Liu Bei has him executed.Yang QiuOne of Han Sui's Eight Riders. Sent to Cao Cao as an envoyfor peace, but after the split between Han Sui and Ma Chao,he was once again sent to Cao Cao, this time offeringsurrender.Yang SongAn advisor of Zhang Lu. He was a greedy man who would doanything for money. He receives money from the enemy to cutMa Chao off.

He later falsely warns against Pang De. He isexecuted by Cao Cao for selling out his ruler.Yang XiuA Wei vassal and the son of Captain Yang Biao of the LaterHan. Although talented, he is neglected by Cao Cao.

It'ssaid that this was due to the fact that he was Yuan Shao'snephew, or that perhaps because it had been suggested by CaoZhi.Yi JiA minister of Shu. Under Liu Biao, he secretly warned LiuBei of the reputation of the horse Hex Mark and of Cai Mao'sassassination plot.

After the Battle of Chi Bi, he entersLiu Bei's service. He was an eloquent speaker.Yu FanA Minister of Wu. Originally from Hui Ji, he joins Sun Ceafter Wang Lang is defeated in battle. He introduces thefamed doctor, Hua Tuo, to Zhou Tai. Later, he convincedShu's Fu Shiren to defect and was instrumental in takingJing.Yu JiA Taoist who developed a following after healing peoplethroughout Wu and Hui Ji. Sun Ce, then ruler of the Wuterritory, killed him as a subversive, but as a ghost, hecursed Sun Ce who subsequently died.Yu JinA brave general serving Cao Cao, who was very impressed withhis calm nature.

He surrenders while defending Fan Castleafter being defeated by Guan Yu. Sun Quan sends him back toWei, but he is disgraced and dies of illness.Yuan ShangYuan Shao's third son. He was favored by his father due tohis looks.

After his father's death, he fought with hiseldest brother, Yuan Tan, for the throne. Later, he isdefeated by Cao Cao and turns to his other brother, Yuan Xi.Yuan ShaoA member of the Yuan Family, he serves as leader of theAllied forces against Dong Zhuo. Following Dong Zhuo'sdeath, he fought with Cao Cao over control over the land.However, despite his large army, internal strife and variousother troubles brought him defeat.Yuan ShuPrefect of Southern Yang during the Later Han.

Yuan Sao'shalf-brother. Receives the Imperial Seal from Sun Ce inexchange for troops. With this, he declares himself Emperor.However, his despotic rule is soon destroyed.Yuan TanYuan Shao's oldest son. Following his father's death, hefights with the youngest of the descendants, Yuan Shang, butloses. Receiving help from Cao Cao, he defeats Yuan Shang,but is then killed by Cao Cao.Yuan XiYuan Shao's second son. He attacks Cao Cao, who killed hisbrother Yuan Shang, but is betrayed and forced to flee to WuWan.

Later, he turns to Gongsun Kang of Liao Dong, but iskilled and his head sent to Cao Cao.Yue JinA general under Cao Cao. He showed tremendous skill duringhis many battles and was revered as one of Wei's FiveGenerals, who include the likes of Zhang Liao, Yu Jin, XuHuang and Zhang He.-Zang BaAn officer under Tao Qian. He participates in the actionagainst the Yellow Turbans. Later, he joins Lu Bu as heroams across the country. In the fight against Cao Cao, hejoined a group of bandits. He joins Cao Cao after the deathof Lu Bu.Zhang BaoA Shu general and Zhang Fei's eldest son. When Zhang Fei.

Contents.Gameplay Unlike the first title, players are limited with starting Liu Bei's story at the start of the game for the prologue feature. Afterwards, they can choose Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Ce, or Lu Bu's stories. Lu Bu's daughter debuts in this game and can be used as part of his armies.Recruited officers can be employed as spies to infiltrate enemy forces and sneak into cities.

There are two possible routes to travel:If a spy is sent into an enemy-occupied city, then there is a chance the spy will be caught and be sent back to the player's home base. Alternatively, if the spy isn't caught, then the player can perform different Ruses against the enemy army. These Ruses cost Craft points. Also, the player can take a more in-depth view of the enemy army, including who are friends of the enemy officers. If the spy is a friend of the enemy officer, then he may visit said officer.

Sometimes, the officer will be convinced to defect.If the spy is placed into a city with a civilian, and that civilian is friends with the spy, at the end of the turn, the civilian will request to join the player's army.Cities may now be explored, and players can access barracks, mystics, and town squares.Barracks: Here, the player can buy additional Tactics using Craft points, which are earned by defeating officers and winning battles. The player can buy the same tactic over and over, but each time the price increases.Mystics: If visited, the Mystic will help the player by offering advice, different items, and additional Tactics.Town square: When an officer visits a town square, battle advice will be given, his or her stats will increase, or an enemy bandit unit will be created somewhere on the map. Bandit units are usually weak, and provide decent experience if defeated.Players are evaluated at the end of a battle, based on special criteria.Tactics can now be chained, being consecutively executed in a single turn. Within a Chain Tactic, each accomplished tactic will increase the chance that the next will succeed.Strategists can perform two separate commands, which are the Order Chain and Link commands.Order Chain: When this command is used, the strategist will sacrifice 5 morale to affect allied officers within a certain area. If in range, then the allied officer's hands will glow blue, and he or she can perform a chain tactic, providing the conditions are fulfilled before the chain continues. The effects of an Order Chain command will wear off if the allied officer is attacked.Link: Returning feature from previous title. After this command is ordered, the next allied tactic performed on a different target will activate the tactic that was linked.

This allows the player to achieve tactical combos on enemy officers that aren't next to each other, and increase the chance of success and damage for the linked tactic. However, if the enemy that was linked has a turn before an allied officer performs a tactic, the link is broken.Reception ReceptionAggregate scoresAggregatorScore75.81%78/100Review scoresPublicationScore6/108/107.5/107.5/108.2/10GameZone8.1/108.3/10Dynasty Tactics 2 was met with positive reception, albeit slightly less than the first game. Gave it a score of 75.81%, while gave it 78 out of 100. Estrada, Marcus (July 9, 2013). Retrieved July 9, 2013. ^.

Retrieved August 11, 2014. ^. Retrieved August 11, 2014. 'PS2 Review: Dynasty Tactics 2'. December 2003.

Edge staff (December 2003). 'Dynasty Tactics 2'. (131): 109. EGM staff (November 2003). 'Dynasty Tactics 2'. (173): 176. 'Dynasty Tactics 2'.

October 2003. The Man in Black (September 24, 2003). Archived from on February 12, 2005. Retrieved August 11, 2014. Kasavin, Greg (September 23, 2003). Retrieved August 11, 2014. Meston, Zach (October 16, 2003).

Retrieved August 11, 2014. Tha Wiz (November 7, 2003). From the original on October 5, 2008. Retrieved August 11, 2014. Dunham, Jeremy (September 23, 2003). Retrieved August 11, 2014.

'Dynasty Tactics 2'.: 132. November 2003.External links. at.