Earth Defense Force 2017 Enemies

While EDF 2017 took place in Japan, the fighting in IA takes place on American soil, which means this time, it’s personal. But can Lightning Alpha, the new player-controlled squad leader of the EDF resistance, adequately fill the bug juice-stained shoes of the captain of EDF 2017’s Storm 1?Can anybody, really?Field of BattleLightning Alpha’s missions take place outdoors in New Detroit. As the game goes on, it starts to look like old Detroit on account of all of the collateral damage you cause. Your narrator even makes the old Detroit reference herself, marking a new high point in social commentary in game writing. From the residential and industrial sectors of town, to the downtown core, Lightning covers all of the expected municipal bases while maintaining cell phone coverage.Storm 1, on the other hand, not only fought to save Tokyo, but he also hit up the Japanese countryside, several underground hives, and even a beach. Why save a beach? Because the bugs happened to be there, that’s why.

Once reloaded, you have the choice of either breaking through into the center and repeating the process, or using the sentry guns for extra firepower to take out the remaining enemies. Go Back to main page of Earth Defense Force 2017 Cheats, Tips & Secrets. Earth Defence Force FAQ courtesy of D3Publisher Here is the list of all the. If a mission has a lot of enemies, then you have a greater chance of getting a green.

Storm 1 didn’t need a reason to go somewhere and shoot bugs other than the fact that there were bugs there to shoot. Lightning could learn a lot from Storm’s ganbare mentality.ArmorLightning’s wardrobe consists of four unique armor sets, each suited for different situations. The Trooper is a basic set of assault armor. Battle armor is slow and packs the heaviest protection and weaponry. Jet armor zips around the battlefield, stinging enemies with its energy-based weapons and taking to the skies to avoid damage.

Finally, there’s the Tactical setup, which offers moderate protection, quirky weapons, and deployable turrets. Lightning can also level up each armor suit to increase its hit points and unlock new perks.Storm 1 didn’t need all that fancy, new age technological crap. He wore the classic Toho-inspired white padded jumpsuit, a flak vest, and motorcycle helmet that took down Godzilla back when Lightning was still an itch in his father’s crotch. Top 10 video game demons. Storm 1 remembers his roots. And when it came time to upgrade his protection? Storm 1 just picked up flak vests dropped by fallen enemies, each one increasing his hit points by one.

His armor counter went up to 9999, but that’s only because it couldn’t keep track of how awesome he was, as he could carry as many as he wanted. Would you mess with a guy who runs at enemies wearing over 10,000 lbs of Kevlar and titanium?

Maybe if Lightning had the same knee strength as Storm 1, he wouldn’t run so slow in his cute little Battle armor.Why so slow, Lightning?WeaponryEach of Lightning’s four armor sets comes with its own weapons selection, ranging from simple assault rifles to missile launchers and homing shotguns. Weapons are divided into tiers, and most can be purchased with credits earned by killing insects once the appropriate armor level is attained.Storm 1 didn’t need to switch armor to use whatever weapon he had handy.

If Storm 1 had a gun, he would use it. Nobody tells Storm 1 what he’s cleared to fire. He didn’t buy his weapons from a fancy shop, either. He kept the three most basic guns of his collection of 150 tools of destruction and gave the rest to his enemies, with the understanding that he would have to kill them to get them back. Because alien invasions are no fun if they’re too easy. He even had the stones to come at giant ants with smoke bombs, a welding torch, and a grenade that was so heavy, even he couldn’t throw it more than two feet.

Centipede grass is native to China and Parts of Southeast Asia and was brought to the US in 1916.It is found in South America, the West Indies and parts of Africa. It is a slow growing creeping grass and has short stems growing upward. Centipede grass fertilizer.


Lightning would be much more inspiring as a commander if he had half the guts that Storm 1 had.Opposing ForcesLightning’s enemies are comprised of insects, mechs, gunships, and flying saucers. Storm 1 fought pretty much the same menagerie of extraterrestrial invaders, but his were three times as large. Real soldiers fight the biggest ants, and leave the seven foot-long ones for the children to deal with.Oh, and Storm 1 got to fight Godzilla.Yeah. That happened.AlliesStrike Force Lightning is a tight unit; each of its soldiers is a hardy, capable fighter who can revive squad mates and lay down impressive damage. Lightning Alpha heads into battle with two of these trusty companions, though he does receive assistance from some other mobilized forces from time to time.When you’re a one-man army like Storm 1, however, you don’t need friends. One Storm squad is equal to the entire alien race, so to make it a fair fight, Storm 1 staffed his army with paper-thin, ineffectual fodder that screamed very loudly when he shot them in the spine. Why would he do such a thing?

To make sure the others stayed in line and died when they were told. Storm 1 also had a standing Do Not Resuscitate order in his unit, so if he should fall in battle, so would Earth. Those are the stakes that inspire somebody to run at a mile-long flying saucer with an assault rifle and a dream.Don't worry. If you fall, Oldman is there to pick you back up. Like training wheels!VehiclesLightning gets help from turrets, a three-seater tank, and a massive battle mech. Storm 1 also had a tank, but it only had enough room for his genius.

His battle mech was notable because it took almost two minutes for it to turn around. While some may consider this a disadvantage, Storm 1 never noticed it. He never turned his back to his enemies, so the slow turn speed never entered into the equation. He rounded out his collection of rides with a near-useless speeder bike and a helicopter that was so difficult to fly that it caused more deaths to the EDF forces than the aliens did.

The Earth Defense Force 2017 - FAQ/guide Part 1 Earth Defence Force FAQ courtesy of D3PublisherHere is the list of all the weapons (all 171):Q: How do I unlock weapons?A: Unlocking all the weapons takes a combination of perseverance and luck. To unlock a specificweapon, take a look at the chart and see which stage and difficulty when it begins to spawn ingreen item containers (the EDF Weapon crate).Using that as a starting point, look for missions equal to or greater than the required missionand difficulty level which are easy to complete. If a mission has a lot of enemies, then you havea greater chance of getting a green weapon crate.One of the best missions that we at D3Publishers have found to do this is Mission 46 Inferno. Thismission has dozens of chances at a weapon drop, and once you have a good strategy to defeat enemiesand survive (to save your progress), you can quickly clean up on all the pick-ups.Q: How do I unlock the bonus weapons?A: Bonus weapons are unlocked by completing all missions on a single difficulty. The weapons thatare unlocked on each difficulty are: Zero Laser Rifle (Easy), ZE Launcher (Normal), Y20 Impulse(Hard), PX50 Bound Shot (Hardest), and the Genocide Gun (Inferno).Q: How do I defeat this enemy or that enemy?A: Generally speaking, if you have one enemy instead of ten enemies, you have a much easier time todefeat them using a combination of your computer-controlled allies and a second player. Smaller peonenemies are stunned when you fire on them enough while others require some strategy to approach.Black AntThis enemy is dangerous in large groups if you let them swarm you. The orange acid this enemy shootsis like a shotgun; the closer you are, the more damage you take.

Additionally, the splash damage ofthe acid is like an explosion - while acid shots don't destroy buildings, the explosive radius seepsthrough building walls and can injure you.Black ants are the weakest enemies (apart from the spiders and flying fighters) so any weapon thatdoes more than 250 points of damage on (on Inferno) will kill them. You just have to be fast about it.Red AntsThis enemy is tough and generally serves as a damage sponge. By itself, you can defeat red ants bystanding off and blowing them apart with rockets, grenades, and missiles.

When they attack with otherenemy types though, you have to prioritize and give the red ant a lower priority.Neutralize other enemies first as you retreat, because the red ant only attacks by coming close tobite; shooting enemies take precedence.SpiderThis enemy is extremely dangerous.