Outlast Wiki

Contents.Official Description 'No conflict is ever black and white. But once the dust has settled, the victors get to decide who was right and who was wrong. Who is good and who is evil. Human nature pushes us to extremes of violence and depravity, which we then justify by divine inspiration and a promise of paradise to come. Horror rises from desperation and blind faith.


Outlast Chris Walker is a recurring antagonist that is obsessed with finding and destroying Miles Upshur. An incredibly large and powerful Variant, Chris Walker is larger, stronger and more brutal than any other inmate. Villains from the infamous Survival Horror video game series Outlast.

OUTLAST 2 will test your faith, pushing players to a place where going mad is the only sane thing to do.' Summary Outlast 2 (in publication and media represented as 'Outlast II') is the sequel to and currently in development by Red Barrels Games. It is an indirect sequel, and may or may not be related to the events of the first game directly. It will be released in Fal of 2016 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.Plot Summary 'You are Blake Langermann, a cameraman working with your wife, Lynn.

The two of you are investigative journalists willing to take risks and dig deep to uncover the stories no one else will dare touch. You're following the trail of clues that started with the seemingly impossible murder of the pregnant woman known only as Jane Doe. The investigation has lead you miles into the Arizona desert, to a darkness so deep that no one could shed light upon it, and a corruption so profound that going mad may be the only sane thing to do.' ― Outlast II Demo ScreenUniverse Outlast II will take place in the same general universe as Outlast, and is placed some time after the events of the slaughter. While the will make an appearance, it is unknown whether or not will be related to this new story. It has been theorized that the game's story will concern another of the Murkoff Corporation's experiments. The plot of Outlast II takes place in a secluded village in the desolate canyons of Arizona, where, a cameraman and journalist, along with his wife, are investigating the impossible murder of an unknown Jane Doe.

The woman was found eight months pregnant and on the side of the road, and was taken into a hospital. While there, she committed suicide.After taking a helicopter into the remote village and crash landing, Blake blacks out, waking up to find Lynn missing. Blake soon discovers the village is in fact a village of cultists who believe that the End Times of Revelations is upon them. He decides to rescue Lynn and escape from the village.Characters.ValLairdEthanEntities.Locations.Development The game is based on the same Unreal Engine 3 as the first two games, but is modified heavily.

Developers had said this modification allows them to reuse previous assets, including animations, character models, meshes, and more. The same mechanics from the first two games have been included in this game, though new locations and mechanics have been added.


The HUD has been slightly changed, but the night vision mechanic returns in its original form. Both still require batteries. New hiding mechanics, including hiding in water pools, empty barrels, closets, etc., have been included in the new game.Other Media At Pax East 2016, Philippe Morin, the co-founder of Red Barrells Games, revealed that a comic book is being developed. The plot of this comic book is designed to bridge the storylines between Outlast and the Outlast: Whistleblower DLC with the new game.Videos.

Bio-Engineered Mutilator “We have to contain it.„ Chris Walker beheading a guard talking about stopping the Walrider from gaining a new host.The Walrider, also known as The Swarm, is the main antagonist of Outlast, as well as the final enemy in the game. Later it reappears sporadically through Outlast: Whistleblower.

It is behind the madness that seems to infect most of the inhabitants of the asylum and is the deity of the religion of Father Martin and his followers. It is first encountered at the beginning of the Sewer level after escaping the Prison Block. Contents Biography OutlastThe Walrider is seen multiple times throughout the game, its presence can be seen in the Courtyard scouring the air, as well as one encounter behind the locked gate. Project Walrider was the process of exposing patients to Morphogenic Engine Therapy to create a suitable vessel for the nanite swarm, for only a person that has seen enough horror can become the host. The aim was to create the perfect host for the Walrider, so that it could become a sentient being, as is evidenced by these notes: Gods and Monsters, Variant Postmortem. It is likely that are the results of this procedure.Billy was capable of controlling the Walrider, with his self-directed lucid dream states, however because they were only using damaged and unstable minds to experiment on, the situation got out of control.

The Walrider escaped & slaughtered everyone in the lab except for one Dr. Wernicke, who was kept alive by Billy all this time.

When Miles reaches the Underground Lab, Dr. Wernicke, who was thought to be dead, instructs Miles to disable the power of Billy's life-support pod to undo what he has made, to murder Billy. After Miles shuts down the life-support pod, the Walrider, now without a host, attacks Miles and fuses itself with his body, taking him as its new host.

As Miles, now severely injured and barely able to walk, limps towards the exit, the door opens, revealing and several soldiers. The soldiers open fire, but Wernicke realizes that Miles has become the new sentient host. As the screen fades to black, the Walrider can be heard attacking the soldiers as they scream in agony.Outlast: WhistleblowerIn Outlast: Whistleblower, the Walrider makes several appearances. In the Hospital, it will attack Waylon on sight in some areas. However, throughout most of the DLC, it is simply there for a visual effect and will not harm him.

At the end of the DLC, the Walrider, now under Miles Upshur's control, kills in a manner similar to how was killed, saving Waylon's life & allowing him to escape the asylum. At the end, the form of Miles inside of the swarm of nanites is visible from Miles' car, and moves towards the car. While starting the car and turning towards the gates, the Walrider pushes Miles' car and forces it through the locked gates.Outlast: The Murkoff Account “The word 'Walrider' unleashed the full monetized wraith of the Murkoff Corporation.„ Pauline GlickAlthough the Walrider uses Miles as a host, it seems that it still has the mind and emotions of Billy. After escaping Mount Massive, the Walrider heads to Nathrop, where Billy's mother Tiffany lived. Influenced by Billy's emotions, the Walrider stated to care for Tiffany in Billy's body. Unbeknownst to both Tiffany and the Walrider, Tiffany's house was under surveillance by Murkoff, who were searching for Waylon Park.When Tiffany, who was seeing a truck driver, was hit by the man in rage, the Walrider manifested in the trucker's truck later and murdered him gruesomely.

Upon finding the bloody truck, the Murkoff Agent opened the door to find the remains of the trucker, and the Walrider. Although he was slain by the Walrider almost immediately afterwards, the agent was able to warn Murkoff about the Walrider's location.Knowing the threat they were facing, Murkoff immediately mobilized their forces, aware that they only had that one chance to eliminate the Walrider. They surrounded Tiffany's trailer with trucks carrying some kind of siphons. However, Tiffany refused to cooperate with Murkoff who had no way of forcing the Walrider to manifest itself. However, one of the Murkoff operatives, Pauline Glick, revealed to Tiffany that she was aware that Tiffany sold her son Billy to Murkoff although he wasn't even sick.

Outraged by the revelation, the Walrider manifests itself directly before Tiffany and, claiming that he had trusted and loved her, rips Tiffany apart in rage. With the Walrider fully manifested before them, Murkoff activated the siphons which, once fired against Tiffany's trailer, succeeded in destroying the body of Miles Upshur.

Although Murkoff believed the Walrider to be eliminated for good, Murkoff operative Paul Marion realizes that it had merely shifted hosts once again, escaping the scene inside a swarm of ants.The ant swarm turns up at Temple Gate after the entire cult there has committed mass suicide. While Murkoff is busy with destroying all evidence, the swarm destroys the relay tower Murkoff used to send their brainwashing signals into the valley - ending the threat the tower posed to the sanity of those subjected to its effects.CharacteristicsWhile looking ghostly in nature, the Walrider is actually a swarm of nanites; small, nanoscopic machines who possess great strength and power. It took possession of. As it is shown by this document, when Billy was undergoing Morphogenic Engine Therapy, he learned to self-direct the lucid dream states, he was then capable of controlling the Walrider.As it is composed of nanites, it is almost invisible to human eyes, only showing a faint black aura. Miles can only see it clearly through the night vision on his camcorder.

The Walrider has immense physical strength, and is the most physically powerful entity in the game. It can easily overpower any Variant, including the large, muscle-bound Chris Walker, as is seen in the Underground Lab when Walker is brutally murdered. When attacked by the Walrider, the result will be an instant death. The Walrider is relentless in its pursuit, while doors will slow its progress somewhat, it is capable of going underneath them.Gallery.

The Walrider's depiction in The Murkoff Account.Trivia. The Walrider is based off the nightmare creature from German folklore called ALP, who is also called 'Walrider'.

Alp is said to originate from the mountains of Germany, similar to how the Walrider originated from Mount Massive. Both of them also have the ability to fly and turn partially invisible, as well as shapeshift. Its most likely that the project was named after this myth. The Walrider is considered a deity by Father Martin's religious cult.Navigation Villains.

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