Far Cry 5 Ending

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Far Cry 5 has a secret ending that can be seen within the first few minutes of starting a campaign.

As you saw from our previously posted review,Ubisoft’s Far Cry 5 is quite an open world trip. You find yourself going up against a heavily fortified cult called Eden’s Gate in the middle of Montana, using every resource and ally you can find to bring them down.

Far Cry 5 Ending

The game is a lot of fun, but what makes it really interesting is that there are three different endings available – and they aren’t quite as clear-cut as you might think they are. Thus, we’ve broken down what each of them has to offer below.

Now, word of warning – there are spoilers ahead. If you haven’t beaten the game yet, you might want to wait, or you’ll run smack dab into having the endings ruined. Otherwise, if you’re prepared, feel free to proceed and see what each one has to offer…

Ironically, the “good” ending for Far Cry 5 isn’t as “good” as you would want it to be. During the finale, Joseph Seed gives you a choice to either walk away with your allies in tow, or “resist” and try to save his soldiers, hypnotized by the Bliss drug.

If you choose to walk away, Seed wishes you well on your journey and orders his men to free the others. After a brief argument between members of your party, you load up in a car and drive away. The elderly sheriff swears that the first thing he’ll do when he gets to Missoula is call in the National Guard to level the place.

But before he does, he turns on the radio, and The Platters’ “Only You” begins playing. Suddenly, your character starts to see flashes of red, and when the sheriff asks, “What’s wrong?”, the screen fades to black.

So what’s it mean? Essentially, this “good” ending is anything but, since your party members likely end up dead. Remember, Jacob Seed implanted the “Only You” song as a trigger in your head to make you act out in uncontrollable rage, killing everyone around you. So when it plays on the radio, there’s a safe bet that everyone in the car dies, either from your attacks or a car wreck.

Bottom line – most of your party, including you, likely end up dead, and Seed begins rebuilding his Eden’s Gate cult. And remember, that’s the “good” ending.

Slide 2/3 – The 'Bad' Ending

Again, this could be up for interpretation, but the “bad” ending to Far Cry 5 has deeper meaning. If you resist Seed and his soldiers, you end up in a brief firefight where you end up rescuing your other friends and eventually subduing Seed.

However, it’s not over yet. As you put the cuffs on him, a nuclear bomb goes off, pretty much taking Hope County with it. The sheriff and your team (along with Seed) make a break for the car and try to drive through the woods as they light up in flames, but the car suddenly crashes.

The rest of the team is dead, and Seed ends up dragging you to Dutch’s nearby bunker – where he’s managed to kill off the old man. As you’re bound to the nearby bed, Seed explains that he saw this coming, and that you’re his family now, as he prepares to rebuild Eden’s Gate. He then sits back calmly and listens to the destruction above, as the screen fades to black.

So what’s it mean? Well, like the “good” ending, Seed considers rebuilding his cult and most of your party members are dead. But the real question here is the blame.

Now, there is the notion that Seed planted the bomb as a back-up plan, in case his cult couldn’t defeat you. But, then again, he could’ve had that detonation in mind, planning something anew for his cult. And his fellow members could’ve known that and been prepared to hide in a military bunker while letting the apocalypse wash over everyone.


So, yeah, Seed wins yet again, and you lose.

Finally, there’s this alternate ending for Far Cry 5, where, if you pretty much do nothing, you basically get nothing done. But it’s probably the “best” ending you’ll find within the game, even if you don’t play it.

You begin by going into the church with your crew as Seed gives his lecture, and then he leans forward to get handcuffed. He’ll stand there for a few minutes, and maybe utter something along the way. But, if you end up doing nothing, the sheriff pretty much calls on your team to exit the church.

The federal marshal threatens to jail you all, but the sheriff explains that if you had cuffed him, none of your team would have made it out alive. And damn it, he’s right.

So what’s it mean? By not bringing chaos to the cult, Seed basically allows you to leave scot-free. It’s the least eventful ending, but it makes sense, since the sheriff pretty much foresaw your doom going the other way.

And it’s not the first time that Ubisoft has offered a clear-cut ending for a Far Crygame. Back in Far Cry 4, if you end up waiting on Pagan Min without doing a thing in the game, he comes back, explains a little bit about your family, lets you put your mother’s ashes in their place, and then offers you to shoot some “goddamn guns” with him.


So, yeah, uneventful ending. But it’s neat to see at least once.

Far Cry 5 is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

If you’re a completionist when it comes to open world video games, Far Cry 5 could keep you occupied for a fair while. There are a bunch of different collectibles scattered across Hope County, and while you don’t necessarily need to go and find them all, there are some trophies or achievements related to them.There are six collectible types – Baseball Cars, Comic Books, Vietnam Lighters, Bobble Heads, Vinyl Crates, and Whiskey Casks – and you’ll need to speak to specific people to unlock the quests for turning them in. You only need one of each collectible for the trophy/ achievement, though, so if scouring Hope County for all of them doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, don’t worry too much. If you’d rather continue to blow stuff up in Far Cry 5, make sure you’ve gone about the map and destroyed all of the Shrines, Silos, trucks, and boats that belong to Eden’s Gate.

Sure, if you’ve completed Far Cry 5, you don’t need the resistance points you’ll earn from these anymore, but there’s just something satisfying about flying over Hope County and purging it of all Eden’s Gate property.Plus, there’s another achievement/ trophy for destroying one bit of property in each of the four regions, so if you want the platinum/ 1000 Gamerscore, you’ll need to do this anyway. Far Cry 5 introduces challenges into the player progression mix. Rather than leveling up through XP, you’ll now complete a ton of challenges such as killing x amount of people with a particular weapon type, or hunting and skinning different animals for Perk Points. These can then be spent on unlocking new skills and abilities to give you the upper hand, whatever your playstyle.If you want to become the ultimate killer in Far Cry 5, unlocking all of these perks and completing every challenge might be a fun way to keep you playing. Sure, the grind could get a bit tiresome if you’ve cleared most of the story missions already, but you should still find enough Eden’s Gate cult members and side missions to unlock every Perk in the game. Arcade Mode offers a few fun little distractions from Far Cry 5’s campaign.

If you’re looking for multiplayer fun, there’s a PvP mode in here where players can fight it out on custom maps, created both by and for the community.There’s also a single-player mode which provides an ever-expanding amount of challenge levels. One may task you with escaping in a set time, another may require you to get 20 sniper eliminations within a minute.

If you want to put your skills to the test, be sure to check these out.Alternatively, if you fancy yourself as more of a level designer, you could always try your hand at the Map Editor, which features assets from other Ubisoft franchises such as Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs. Two of the other side activities you can do at your own leisure in Far Cry 5 are hunting and fishing. If you want to clear out all of the challenges in the game, you’ll need to do a fair bit of this anyway, but there’s also a couple of trophies and achievements tied to fishing and hunting that could persuade you to sink a little more time into them.If you want that platinum trophy or full 1000 Gamerscore, you’ll need all four fishing rods, with one of them requiring you to beat each region’s records at ‘Hard’ fishing spots. But hey, least you’ve got some lovely scenery to take in while you whittle away the hours.Oh, there’s also a trophy for killing a Bison with nothing more than melee weapons, and another for tenderizing a bull to death with your bare hands, so that’s sure to keep things interesting.

Prepper Stashes are more than just large drops of cash or supplies, they provide fun little background stories that hint at where the stash is and explain why it’s there. It’s not just a case of finding a hidden location and opening a door.More often than not, these stashes are in buildings in clear view, the trouble is trying to find your way inside. You’ll often need to use the environment nearby, or an unorthodox way of opening a door. Next time you see one of these pop up, take the time to go and retrieve it. Then get hooked and go do ’em all. Live Events aren’t live in Far Cry 5 just yet, but they’ll be kicking off on April 3. For those unfamiliar with Live Events, these will reward players with customization items for completing limited-run challenges.

You may get a weapon skin for completing one, and a unique vehicle for completing another.Thanks to Live Events, there’s always going to be something going on in Hope County for you to go and investigate. Exactly what these will task players with doing remains to be seen, but at least we don’t have long to wait.